24- Plans and Confessions

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[Tzuyu's POV]

1 month later...

Mingyu and I had finished up from getting pastries. This was our new thing now. He had taken me to this pastry cafe in Seoul, and I had fell in love with the menu. Tasting the deliciousness that had been sent from heaven, was how I described those rice cakes, yaksik, and strawberry turnovers that we had ate today.

"I'm glad you enjoyed them so much!" said Mingyu. His words were enough to make me scream internally. For the past month, each time I had spent with him, made me smile genuinely. I didn't want to move fast, so I tried my hardest to contain my feelings, especially since it's a feeling I'd never felt before. I had told Su-Wei about him, and she insisted that I should continue going on our outings to explore my feelings for him. So far, there was nothing negative toward him.

"Thank you for taking me here...again!" I said while smiling. He had walked me towards the door to the house. There was this small moment of silence before he began to open his mouth. "Umm, so, I...uh...I had fun today and-"

I waited patiently for him to continue, but we were cut off by Sana's presence. She waved to Mingyu, but then gave us an apologetic smile since she must have realized she interrupted something.

"Sorry," she said, weakly and then left us alone. I turned back to Mingyu as I hoped he didn't feel awkward about the interruption.

I smiled reassuringly to him. "I'm sorry about that. You can continue with what you were saying," I said.

"Oh, that's right," he cleared his throat. He was usually confident, but seeing him standing before me now, he looked like a student that was nervous to present for their class. It made me wonder if something was on his mind. The longer the silence, the more curious I grew.

"I had fun today and I would want us to do it again," he said, rubbing his nape. I never seen him so awkward, besides from our encounter at Jennie's party.

I gigged as I heard what he said. "But oppa, we hang out often nowadays," I said. He gave me a small smile, but his nervousness returned shortly. "I would want us to do it again, but as a couple," he said, sheepishly.

My heart rate shot up as soon as he said those words. I wasn't quite sure how to respond to that and I could tell he knew the same. "You don't have to answer back now, take your time!" he quickly replied.

I nodded in agreement, afraid that if I said something I could stamper over my words. This was the first time I had been confessed to. I was confused, shocked, panicked, and happy, all at the same time.

I could see he was in an awkward position because I didn't even respond to him, but I hope my facial expression didn't scare him into thinking that I was uncomfortable.

"I should probably get going, but I hope you rest well," he said. He gave me a pat on the shoulder before walking off. Once he had been out my sight, I went inside the house. I was too shocked by the sudden confession that I forgot that some of the boys would be here.

"How'd it go?" asked Sana, as she came up to me, circling her arms on my shoulder. From her expression, I could see she was curious to know what happened.

"It went my well," I said. My mind still traced back to his confession, but I'd thought I would keep it to myself for a while, or until the feeling didn't feel too weird.

Sana shot me a smile and led me to the living room where everyone was sitting down. The boys immediately greeted me, following the girls, who had also asked the same question as Sana. I had given them the same response for the same reason.

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