30- Her Gift

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[Taehyung's POV]

I had been surprised with everything that had been set up. The moment she led me to the door, I had almost cried from the sudden surprise. For a moment I had been confused since I wasn't expecting such a huge birthday. For a small moment, I had been upset since I mentioned too many times before how I hated to celebrate. But, this felt different. I was even confused by my own self. One day I hated my birthday, and the next, I am thankful. I was even more surprised to find Jennie there since it's been quite some time since our last interaction. Of course, I had received a short message from my parents wishing me a happy birthday, but other than that- nothing much from them. Of course I hadn't expected much since my expectations were never high with them.

"You should've seen your face," said Jin hyung, chuckling. The hyungs and Jungkook, were gathered around me.

I smiled to him, "I see my face in the mirror everyday," I said with some sarcasm. I was obviously joking since I had been more than grateful for them putting this together.

Jimin punched my arm, playfully. "Now you're sounding more like him," he said, shaking his head in disbelief.

I chuckled and just as I was about to make a witty reply with Jimin, our conversation had been cut short by Jennie.

"Let's give these two some time," said Jimin as soon as he seen her. I watched as he shot her a glare and walked off. Ever since I told him about the blackmail she pulled on me, he hadn't wanted to deal with her and even went out his way to avoid her to prevent himself from 'exchanging words with her' - as he called it.

Once they went and left, she gave me a small smile. "I'm starting to think I'm not wanted here!" said Jennie, crossing her arms.

I was fine with her here, but it wouldn't concern me if she hadn't shown up. I promised myself to be a better man for her since our parents' agreement. Also, I knew that if I hadn't, I was in for a rude awakening.

"Anyway, I wanted to let you know I'm a few weeks is Kai's party and right afterward would be our family dinner. My parents discussed the news with yours, so don't be surprised if they mention it," she said sternly.

I had forgotten all about Kai's inauguration into his family's business and on top of that, his future wife might be introduced. And also on top of that, that's where Jennie and I would make our debut into the public eye. I dreaded that the most since I never liked being in the spotlight. With my parents company on the rise, this would surely do them a huge favor as well as bring in more income into our business. They were fans of this idea and of course, I could only be a part of their plan.

I shrugged my shoulders, trying to be nonchalant about it. "There's no big deal there," I stated. Before she could get a word out, Jihyo rushed me over to open presents. I was grateful for her interruption since I had no longer wanted to discuss business affairs and family issues, especially with Jennie. After all, she had seen nothing wrong with it and it bothered me for some strange reason- but she still believes in the our happily ever after just as her parents promised.

I shook the thoughts out of my head and went over to the area with all the gifts. I had been handed the gifts by Jihyo as she handed them out, reading the names who had given me the gift.

"This ones from Yoongi oppa!" she said, smiling ear to ear. She handed me a small gift bag and sure enough, inside it was some art utensils and an paint palette. I had been interested in art these past few days and I had been searching up some easily paint tutorials online.

"Awww! Thanks, hyung!" I said, setting the gift down and going out for a hug. Surprisingly he gave me a quick and short hug. "It's an activity for you to do so can stop bugging me every five minutes now!" He said. His has a different way of expressing his love, which I can live with since. He treated all of us well, so I don't take his words to heart.

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