23- Han River

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[Taehyung's POV]

Almost two weeks passed since Heechul hyung's party. The girls had suggested that we all meet up at the K-grill, although it wasn't a special occasion. Surprisingly it's been a good week since I hadn't heard from Jennie lately. When I had asked Nayeon about her, she surprisingly told me that they haven't spoken much these days. However, I'm not complaining since I needed a break from her.

We had all been our own private room, chatting in our groups. Yoongi had been in charge of grilling the meat, while Jin had watched him in case he had grew tired of waiting. Jimin had been with Mina, as the two had their own conversation. It was rare to see Jimin head-over-heels in love with someone since he had a long list of exes. It was nice to see him blush whenever she had his hand. We often made fun of him since he looked like a tomato whenever she made physical contact with him.

I had been doing my own thing with Namjoon hyung, and I believe he was growing tired of me. Truth be told, I was even annoying myself since I had no one to talk with. Everyone had their own conversations and at this point I had been done entertaining myself and Namjoon.


I had snapped out my thoughts when I had heard a familiar soft voice. Tzuyu had placed some meat onto my empty plate, which I didn't realize I was hungry for until I shoved it into my mouth.

"I'll get you some more oppa," she said. I watch her head over to where Yoongi and Jin hyung were stationed at. Hearing what she addressed me as brought a smile on my face knowing that we were past all the tension that was between us. From that day when she had told me how much I hurt her, it really made me realize how I treated her unfairly. My first impression wasn't the best, but I could make up for it.

Once she came back, she had me a small plate full of meat. She took a seat across from me, watching me eat, which made me a bit uncomfortable.

"Want some?" I asked, gesturing for her to take some off. She shook her head to decline, and frowned her brow. "Oppa! It's not nice to talk with your mouth full!"

Once I finished chewing I had raised my brow at her, faking an astonished gasp. "I didn't know that!" I said sarcastically. Although we haven't know each other for that long, I figured out that annoying her makes her talk more since she seems to be quiet most times. Most times where we do talk, she ends up scolding me for annoying her, which quickly brought our relationship to sister-brotherly.

"And you were staring at me," I defended. Once I pointed that out, she sighed in defeat. "I was just thinking..." she began, "I never properly thanked you for helping me at Heechul's party." Her lips curled into a small smile. "Thank you!"

It was my turn to pout now. I had no intention of getting thanked since I had been focused on making sure she was comfortable, which she wasn't that night. If I had gotten there later, there's no telling on what could've possibly happened.

"I do appreciate it, but don't thank me for those things," I told her, before she could object, we were cut off by an unexpected visitor.

"Did I miss anything?"

I watched as Tzuyu pulled Mingyu beside her. "You're just in time actually!" She said to him. The smile on her face was evident that she was happy to see him. He was welcomed by everyone else as well, including me if a smile counts.

In all honesty, I had no reason to dislike him. He was good friends with Jungkook since they're both 97 liners. He would come around sometimes, so it wasn't like I never met him before, although when he would come around to hang, Jungkook would tell us prior to him arriving. In this case, Jungkook didn't tell me anything- not that I had a problem with it.

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