18- The Box

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* This is a special chapter to understand all character perspectives. All members will have a special chapter(s) dedicated to them, which will contribute to the plot.

[Jihyo's POV]

2 weeks have passed...

I am sitting in the room of Jeongie's apartment. All the girls were here, which was a rare occasion due to us being busy with our own schedules. Times where we could freely rant about our day and gossip came once in a while nowadays, which often was upsetting. But I am ecstatic with the time we are have together.

We were all crowded in the living room, while flooding our youngest with questions of her dates. I could see her cheeks turn into a red hue.

"Okay, but out of all of us, who would you say gives the best dating advice?" asks Nayeon, out of curiosity.

Tzuyu sighed, while thinking in silence for a moment. "Jihyo unnie because she never really makes it into such a big deal."

Nayeon frowned and slouched her shoulders in disappointment. We knew she was looking forward into Tzuyu praising her efforts into setting her and Mingyu up. From her compliment, I smiled in return.

Never did I want to make this awkward for Tzuyu since I started offering support. She was still confused in where things were in her relationship with him, but since it's too early to tell, I told her to not fret.

"I had no idea that you consult with Jihyo," says Jeongyeon. She turns toward me with a sly smirk, "how is everything with yours? You never told us much!"

I stuck out my tongue mockingly. "I am a private person, that's why!" And it was true that I was more conservative with relationships, such as that I would take things more slowly and not rush. None of them had met him nor did I explain about him. Not that I was ashamed of him, but because of our new blossomed relationship and we were building up to something.

Dahyun sighed aloud, looking at me with doubtful eyes. "You don't want us around him, do you?"

"You do realize that he confessed no later than last week. He's only met my parents before, and they approve. Once the time is right, I'll introduce him!"

I gave them a reassuring smile, then turned my attention on Nayeon. "And what about you and Jin oppa?" I asked, curiously.

I watched her roll her eyes in slight annoyance. "Our personalities are too alike, which is why we always clash. His self esteem is way too high for-"

We all laughed at her rant, which made her confused. It was true that her and Jin were always arguing or annoying each other, but somehow it always seemed cute. It was more like seeing a married couple argue than two people who disliked each other.

"What?" She asks. Nayeon examined our faces, contributing to her confusion as well since we all had smiles.

Sana slung her arm around Nayeon's shoulder, eyeing her expectedly. Her lips curled into a playful smile as Nayeon still at her in pure confusion.

"C'mon, that's what makes you two similar. And he flirts with you whether he's being intentional or unintentional, but I know he loves to get a reaction from you. Only you."

"Plus," Jeongyeon chimes in, "you should be look forward to dating. You should be the first one of us to get married soon."

Nayeon rolled her eyes jokingly as she shook her head in disapproval. "If the first one of us marry, wouldn't it be Mina. She'd make a fine daughter-in-law," says Nayeon looking at Mina who is blushing furiously, "or Jihyo due to her seriousness in her relationship, which is too cute!"

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