36- Forget About Him

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[Tzuyu's POV]

1 week later...

     I had been staring at my phone for what it felt like, hours. I had been in the same spot waiting. Maybe he forgot that we would meet today. I had made a batch of sugar and Yakwa cookies on my own using my own recipe. I was ready to share it with him, but they were cold now. Usually I would send a message to him to remind him, but his phone was weird now. None of my messages were going through and whenever I called I would be sent to voicemail. I wondered if I had upset him. I even reread some of our conversations to trace back to if I had said something to offend him, but I seen none.

I was at our spot near the bench in Han River, where I said I'd be. It was growing late in the afternoon and I had work the next day. I had been here for two hours hoping that he'd show up, only to not see him at all. I was worried if something had happened, so I phoned Sana to ask her boyfriend if he knew his whereabouts.

"I called Kook and he said that he's with Jennie. Maybe he forgotten," she sympathized.

When I heard this, a small pang of disappointment flooded me. He had promised me that he'll come and he didn't bother to contact me. On the other hand, maybe he forgot since I heard him say that he did have a busy week, but that didn't explain why my calls and texts weren't going through.

"That's okay. I'll be home soon," I said, trying my best to hide my disappointment.

Once we hung up, I called a taxi to pick me up. I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt, but I couldn't help but to feel upset. I didn't want to think that I was being ignored, but I couldn't help it.

4 days earlier...

Su-Wei had called me to update me on the situation with my parents. So far, everything was in the ordinary and the search seemed to calmed down. Apparently no police were called and everyone that knew my parents and I, excluding Su-Wei, were told that I had moved to the States with my brother for schooling.

When Su-Wei told me this, all the weight had been lifted off my shoulders, but not for long. My parents had stopped by Su-Wei's home after her parents invited them. In one of their conversations, it was mentioned that they had some business Korea that they needed to tend to. Not sure what 'business' they meant since they were vague in sharing. However, after that, I had been cooped in the house.

The only person that knew about everything happened to be Taehyung. Although the girls knew, it was only to such an extent. That's when when I tried calling him, but to no avail- I concluded he was ignoring me.

Now after another full week, I came to terms with it and I had been mad and frustrated. Mad at him because he wasn't talking to me and frustrated at myself since I had no idea what I did wrong or what I said. So, when I asked for advice from Jihyo, she told me the best thing was to try and talk with him in person in order to resolve the issue.

So when I was standing outside his door with a hat, mask, and an hooded jacket to cover as much as my face as possible; it was because I needed to talk to him. I don't understand why this bothered me so much. We both had our own lives and I wasn't too aware of what he had going on in his as of now, but I would keep feeling bad if I was clueless to what I did to him for him to avoid me.

"Hello?" The door opened, revealing Jungkook who seemed to be absolutely unaware of why a girl showed up to his house with almost half of her face covered.

I hesitatingly pulled down my mask slightly enough to reveal my face. "Tzuyu?! Sana never told me you were coming. Are you here for Taehyung?" He asked, scratching the back of his nape.

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