31- Girlfriend

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[Tzuyu's POV]

     My head was spinning and my legs were weak. My heart was pounding in my chest. My body felt sore and I breathless as I lie on the cold hard wood. Everything hurt, even my heart. I felt as if I could die at this very moment.

"Why'd you leave mommy and daddy? They gave you nothing but the world."

I could feel a sharp grip on my wrist and it made me yelp in pain. I immediately then felt a hand harshly come across my face. The stinging spread all over the side of my cheek. I wish I could make it stop.

"Poor Tzuyu. You're a helpless little girl now. Your friends left you and now you're alone." I could feel hot air whip across my face. "But, I'll take good care of you."

I woke up in a sweat. My face was wet from tears and my body felt hot. I had another nightmare and these days, they only grew worse. I told Su-Wei about them, but she said it could be possible paranoia and I need to relax more. For now, she suggested that I should worry and that if something major happens, she'll update me. So far, I hadn't heard anything alarming. In fact, I haven't heard anything about them at all. However; I still felt that something wasn't right even though I couldn't understand why I thought that way.

"You okay?" asked Nayeon, rubbing her eyes. I had Nayeon unnie sleep with me since these nightmares were getting too realistic. I was afraid to sleep alone and from the lack of sleep I was getting, she insisted that she would sleep with me.

I closed my eyes shut and looked at my surroundings although I heard Nayeon's voice a few seconds ago. Right now I needed to make sure I was in the same room I fell asleep in.

"You're acting strange and you're starting to scare me," Nayeon said, sitting up and leaning against the headboard. "What was it about?" she asked. I could hear the concern in her voice and although she was tired, I knew she wouldn't rest unless she knew I felt better.

I held my head as if it weighed so much. I don't even know where to begin in explaining this. "It's uh- nothing," I said, trying to convince myself that it wasn't serious at all. Nayeon raised her eyebrows and I could see that she wasn't buying it. In fact, she even looked more worried.

"You haven't been sleeping or eating properly. You've been more to yourself lately and even Mingyu notices that you've been avoiding him, so we told him you weren't feeling well," Nayeon said.

I didn't say much knowing it was true. I was impressed with how observant they have been since I didn't notice my change in appetite. Also, I've been feeling under the weather and I don't think I'm in the condition to meet with others. I've been just trying to clear my head, but it hasn't been working.

"I know that you must have much on your mind, but stressing about it will only affect your health. Trust me on that!" She said, "Right now I'm in the same boat as you, but I don't think too much about it. If Minhyuk and I ever crossed paths again, it won't bother me too much. That fear I felt before isn't as strong anymore and with whatever you are feeling right now, don't let it consume you. I promise everything will be alright in the end!"

Tears almost fell from my eyes, but I held myself together. Lately I've been feeling so many emotions, and I never had time to be sad for long since I had been busy. Whenever I had been alone is when I struggled the most. Right now, I had tried to focus on my own feelings and I never intended to throw myself a pity party. However, since Nayeon was talking about this with me, I wanted to know more.

"How did you know everything will be fine for you?" I asked.

Nayeon went quiet for a minute, biting her lip in thought. She shrugged and faced me again. "I don't know, but I managed to let my friends and family help me. Being alone makes everything even harder and longer to get through. Just trust those who love you to help take care of you."

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