"This isn't some kind of 'A Walk To Remember' Type Shit Life"

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Payton's POV


"You need to get laid."

The best friend of the year, everybody.

I look over to my best friend of 18 years and shake my head.

"And you need to stop getting laid. Since when was it last you had a proper boyfriend for longer than a month?"

I raise my eyebrow in question as Lola just scoffs and makes herself comfortable on my bed.

"What's the point in relationships? They all end one way or another. This isn't some kind of A Walk To Remember type shit life."

Where did I even find this dude?

"Have you found any other job yet?" She asks as she throws her phone up in the air to catch it.

"No... and there's no way I'm taking my job back at that café.. the manager in there creeped me the fuck out." I groan, turning in my chair to face my laptop.

Half of them not even having anything remotely what expected to the job title.

On the screen were about 8 tabs of different job websites, and every single one of them hadn't appealed to me in the slightest, mainly reasoning for the dodgy descriptions of what I was required to do.

"What about babysitting? You're good with kids." She bounced up from the bed and dropped herself in my lap, making me groan in pain.

"How much has your fat ass ate today?" I huff.

"As long as its only my ass that's getting fat, I don't give a shit." I chuckle at her response and look towards the screen.

"I ain't gonna find any weird porn shit on here, right?" She looks at me with a smirk, making me roll my eyes.

"Nothing worse than what you'd find on your laptop."

We searched for about 10 more minutes before an ad popped up on one of the websites.

"Bro.. 1K per WEEK ... just to watch two kids? Damn.. fuck your job search, I wanna take this one!" Lola exclaims and I roll my eyes, shoving her off my lap to get a better look.

"Asshole." She groans and dusts herself off, leaning on the back of my chair.

"Okay.. Two kids, full time hours... the address is only 30 minutes away from here.. seems ligit." I mumble more to myself.

"But what do you think about the one thousand pounds? Just to watch a couple of kids? Don't you think this is a little sketchy?"

I shrug as I read over everything twice. "Wouldn't hurt to apply, would it?" I look over my shoulder to Lola and she gives me a nod towards the screen

After writing out a semi-long email to the person who posted the job, explaining my experience with children in detail and why I could be a suitable candidate for the position. I read over it a few times to make sure it sounded professional and list a few numbers to give for references.

"And..." my finger hovers over the mouse click and presses down, sending the email. "...done." Lola claps dramatically.

"Bravo my child, bravo. Now can we go get some food?" She jumps up from the bed and makes her way downstairs before I could even answer her question.

"As long as you're driving!" I quickly shout and slip on my shoes, chuckling when I hear a groan.

"I call shotgun!" I sing as I skip my way downstairs and outside.

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