Unwelcomed Visitor

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Chase's POV


Son of a bitch.

Was my first thoughts as soon as my head left the pillow.

Ryan. His ass is dead next time I see him.

I haven't felt like this since I was 18. No wonder why I never go out drinking.

My thoughts started becoming clearer as I thought over everything from last night.

Shit, I hope Payton doesn't think I'm a creep now.

I forced my body out of my bed and tumbled into the bathroom, wincing at the bright light as I turned the switch on.

I look fucking horrible.

That was my second thought of the day.

I made my efforts to make myself look semi-presentable and proceeded to wash my face and brush my teeth.

The kids must still be sleeping, I haven't heard a peep since I woke up.

I find some grey sweatpants in the drawer and throw them on before exiting my room, peering through the kids' rooms.

Both of them were still sound asleep.

I wanted to check on Payton but decided against it.

I'll apologise when she's awake.

I walked downstairs to the kitchen to make a cofffee, and surpisingly, Payton was already awake, perched up at the kitchen counter, sipping on her morning coffee.

"Good morning." She smiled and pointed to the coffee pot.

"Just made a fresh pot, help yourself." I nodded in a quiet thanks and poured myself a coffee, nothing added, I needed this caffine to sort me out.

"How's the head?" I looked over to Payton, noticing a small smirk play on her lips.

"Feels like I was hit by a bus." I groaned, rubbing my head.

"Self-inflicted." She chuckled.

"Don't make me feel worse than I already do." I sat at the kitchen counter and laid my head on the cold marble.

This was the best thing in life right now.

Payton slid over two white pills.

"Take those, it'll help with your headache." I mumbled a 'thank you' and took the pills, washing them down with the coffee.

"Would you like something to eat?" The thought of food was enough to make me gag.

"I think if I ate anything right now, I'd puke." Payton chuckled and patted my shoulder.

"I'll make you something for lunch later when you're feeling better." I sat up and drank my coffee.

"Do you think you could do something with the kids today?"

As much as I love them, I don't think I could tolerate anybody today.

"Sure thing."

Apologise, asshead.

"Um.. Payton?" Her head turned my way, and my breath caught in my throat.

The fuck is wrong with me?

"I- I'm sorry for whatever I said last night. It's no excuse but I haven't drank like that in what seems forever, I apologise if I made you uncomfortable in any way."

She laughed again. Why does her laugh make me so fucking nervous?

"Chase, it's completely okay. No harm done. I'm just glad you had a good time instead of you being cooped up in your office at home or work all day." She moved to the fridge and pulled out some bacon and grits for the kids, I assumed.

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