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Narrators POV


Payton gave a simple smile, attempting to hide the problem.

"I'm just a little tired. We had a late nap-" Chase was quick to stop the false excuse.

"I would strongly suggest that you don't lie to my face right now." He looked down at Paytons hands, noticing how she was scratching her palm.

He discovered it was one thing she did when she was lying or nervous.

"If something is wrong I need you to tell me. I need communication from you. Especially when I'm leaving the responsibility of my kids in your hands. Did something happen today?"

Chase's tone became concerned as his eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. "No... Well yes. When the kids came home today, things felt a little off with Skylar. Liam is fine. Its just what Skylar told me, it's making me think a little."

Chase sat down on the kitchen bar stool, giving his undivided attention to Payton.

"She said, in her own words...that she doesn't like going to her mom's. That she's mean to her, making her stay in a corner for no reason. She feels left out because Sarah gives all her attention to Liam and not her." Payton repeats word from word what Skylar had told her.

Chase's face fell, taking in the newly said information.

"What about Liam? Did he mention anything about this?"

Payton just shook her head.

"She loooked so scared, Chase. Taking her to that car, I felt how she held onto me. It was different. I knew that something was wrong." Payton looked to her hands, seeing the tears blur her vision.

"Hey..." Chase whispered, wrapping his arm around Payton as sobs escaped her mouth. "I'm going to fix this. I promise. She won't be near them again until I know what's going on." Payton could hear the anger in his voice.

"When I was taking her to the car on Friday... she asked me, almost begged, not to make her go. Hell, I didn't even want to let her go. I knew something was wrong then." Payton continues, as Chase just let's her get it out with a few soothing pats on her back.

"I wanted to tell you, but I was scared you wouldn't believe me. I've barely been here a week and I'm already messing this up." Her voice cracks as she pulls away from Chase's embrace.

"Hey... listen to me Payton. You have been nothing but amazing to Liam and Skylar. And if it wasn't for you, I'd be in the gutter by now. You may not know it but you've held us together ever since you got here. You haven't left. The kids absolutely adore you. You're the first person they have let near them."

Even Chase couldn't believe it.

"When I came home tonight, the last thing I expected was a peaceful silence, and seeing both the kids easily cuddled up with you, watching a movie." Chase chuckled and stood to his feet to get a glass of water for Payton.

She quietly thanked him and took a sip as he sat back down in front of her. "In the short time I've been here, everyday I spent with those kids just makes me love them even more. I had a bit more efforts to make with Skylar, but I couldn't imagine not being here with the kids." She smiled in awe of them.

"I can tell how much you care about them. And I know how much they like you and like having you around." He smiled and patted her shoulder.

"Don't worry about this, okay? I'll handle it. I'm going to be gone early tomorrow morning again. I did plan on coming home with dinner around 5, but I need to talk with Sarah after this. I would appreciate if you could make the kids dinner while I'm gone."

Payton gave a half smile and nodded her head. "Of course. It's not a problem."

Chase could see the tiredness in her eyes and gestured towards the stairs. "Go to bed. Get some sleep. I'll get the kids in the morning and call on you before I leave." He stood up and stepped to the side to let Payton head upstairs first.

Just as they both were about to step into their separate rooms, a creek of a door was heard along with a quiet whimper.

There stood a sleepy Skylar, with a clenched fists rubbing her eye. "Daddy?" Chase knelt down to Skylar's height and brought the small girl into is arms.

"Hi pumpkin. What are you doing still awake?" He asked in a quiet tone as he bounced her gently in his arms. "Monster wake me.. tink monster in there."

Payton flicked Skylar's bedroom light on and searched the room, even under the bed so Skylar could see there was no monsters there. She stood up and locked the window before reclosing the pink butterfly curtains.

"There is no monsters in the Princess' Castle. You have my word." With an index finger, Payton tickled Skylar's side, making her giggle. "Payton be here when it wake time?" Skylar asked through a yawn and Payton nodded in response.

"Back to bed. Come on. Sleepy time." Chase kissed Skylar's head before he tucked her back into her blankets.

"Goodnight sweetpea. I'll see you in the morning." Payton whispered to Skylar before kissing her head just like Chase did and stepped outside the room.

After a few minutes of waiting, Chase stepped out afterwards and closed the door behind him.

There was a few moments of silence between the pair before Chase spoke up.

"You should get some sleep. Remember I'll wake you tomorrow so there's no need to be up so early. Rest please. And try not to worry yourself so much over this, okay? I'll handle it."

Payton let out a tired sigh, and smiled, silently saying her goodnights before she went off to her bedroom.

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