Captain Obvious

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Chase's POV


Beep. Beep. Beep.

Where the fuck am I?

The beeping got louder, and I could finally open my eyes, greeted with plain white walls.

"Mr Johnson, it's good to see you finally awake." I looked up confused as I see a doctor standing over the bed I lay in with his clipboard in hand. "How are you feeling?"

Like a peach. How the fuck do you think I feel?

"What happened? How did I even get here?" I groan, looking down at my hands and chest which seemed to have multiple wires attatched.

"You had a mild heart attack, Mr Johnson. We've kept eye on your oxygen levels. It seems you had some sort of severe panic attack which stopped the blood flow to your brain. You're lucky your wife got you here in time, we thought we lost you for a second."

MY WIFE?! I swear if that psycotic bitch is here, I'll make sure she's the one having a fucking heart attack.

"She's been eager to see you so I'll let her in before I do your check-ups." He announced and opened the door.

Just as I was about to set a fire off, I see Payton running into the room, tears rapidly spilling from her eyes as she throws her arms around me.

"You scared the shit out of me." She sobbed, gripping onto me that tightly it was like I would disappear if she didn't.

"So did you." I mumble, not intending for her to hear as I slung a weak arm around her back.

She looked at me confused for a second but I waved it off and pulled her closer to my chest, ignoring the slight pain in my side.

"I'm so glad you're okay." She whispered before letting another cry rip from her chest.

"Hey.. heyy.. look at me." I cooed softly, cupping her cheek in my hand as I used my thumb to wipe away the tear stains.

"I'm okay. I promise. But it's gonna take a lot more than a heart attack to get me away from you." I chuckle, making her roll her eyes.

"Now is not the time to make jokes."

Okay maybe that was a little too soon.

I smiled lightly, pulling her closer to me as I placed a soft kiss upon her lips.

Oh how I've missed her lips.

"Where is Liam and Skylar?" I asked concerned, not really remembering the last few hours. I swear if she has her hands on them, I'm gonna-

"Ryan and Lola have them back at ours. I told them to let the kids know we had to sort something out for the party so they wouldn't get too confused." She said softly, clutching my hand in hers.

Ours. I love how she said that.

"Where is Sarah? She didn't come in near you or the kids, did she?" She shook her head, placing a kiss to my palm that caressed her face.

I felt my heart jump in my chest, if it was another heart attack, at this moment, I wouldn't have cared. As long it was her causing it.

"Lola and your Mother dealt with her." Her face lit up for a moment, making me wonder what had happened, but didn't question it.

"I didn't know your Mom could throw a punch that hard." She chuckled, making me smile. Oh how I love that laugh.

"So you're the imfamous Mrs Johnson now, hm?" I tease, making her blush and hide her face behind her hair.

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