Closing The Final Curtain

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Narrator's POV


The skies were cloudy today.

Sounds of the tires on the black shiny cars echoed throughout the wind as they carried Mrs Jones' and her daughter throughout the garden, which surrounded the church that they planned to hold the funeral of their loved one.

Sarah Jones.

Arriving 10 minutes before the service was the family of five, known as The Johnsons.

Chase and Payton walked towards the church, hand in hand, both dressed neatly in black as Liam and Skylar walked in front of them, wearing the same attire as their parents.

Payton looked around and noted that very few people had been waiting to attend the service, which came to a surprise, yet didn't at the same time.

"Chase. Payton. I'm glad you could make it." A woman, no younger than 25 had politely greeted Chase and Payton by the door, shaking both their hands with a saddened smile.

"I wish I could've gotten to meet you on better terms but, it's great to finally meet the woman who takes care of my niece and nephew so well." Olivia, Sarah's older sister stepped aside and lead the pair down to their seats.

"I'm happy to meet you too. Apologies for your loss, I can't imagine how devastated you must all be." Payton tried to sympathise with Olivia.

Although most people who knew Sarah didn't take much of a liking to her, the last thing she wanted to do was be disrespectful.

"We knew it was coming sooner or later. We just didn't realise how soon." A frown played upon Olivia's lips for a moment before she plastered a smile on, crouching to Liam and Skylar's height, instantly receiving a hug from the twins.

"How are my favourite little munchkins?"

Payton studied how the kids reacted towards Olivia, noticing the difference instantly on how they reacted to Sarah, whenever she came around.

It was like she was their bestest friend in the whole world.

It warmed her heart to see them so content and happy around each other.

Just as she was admiring the moment, it was like everything had went into slow motion.

The gasps from everyone in the church echoed throughout the ringing in her eardrum as she felt a sharp pain quickly whisp across her face.

If it wasn't for Chase being stood behind her, she would have taken quite a fall.

"How DARE you. How dare you have the nerve to stand in this church, at MY daughter's funeral? Who gave you the right to be anywhere near my family after the time you have ruined for my daughter and my grandchildren?!"

Even though the sting had rattled her skin, Payton's first instinct was to pull Lottie's stroller behind her, fearful that the woman who had just inflicted a sharp pain against her flesh, would try a different tactic.

Chase quickly inspected Payton's cheek, resting his palm over the top of hers that rested on the side of Lottie's stroller, in which Payton had slowly pulled behind her to keep her baby out of harms way.

She looked down to where Liam and Skylar stood and wrapped an arm securely around their shoulders, deciding to keep her mouth closed as Chase already took the lead on dealing with the situation at hand.

He looked at Payton, almost talking with his eyes to ask if she was okay, to which Payton understood quickly and nodded her head, taking a small step backwards to grow a little distance between herself and the red-faced angry woman who stood in front of her.

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