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Narrator's POV


It had been one week since since the escapade happened between Chase and Payton, and ever since then, they had been acting like love-sick teenagers.

Nothing more sexually occurred, but the far-from-innocent stares and glances across the room whenever they were together was the only communication they needed to know they wanted each other.

It was approaching time for the monthly check-up with the courts.

Over the past month, Sarah was granted supervised visits, and had the kids with her once out of the thirty days.

Not that Chase was happy about it.

"I thought when my divorce was finalised, I wouldn't have to deal with her shit anymore." Chase huffed, looking in the mirror as he fumbled with his tie.

"Before you know it, you'll be out of there in no time. Let's just see what the courts have to say about her meetings first." Payton said, standing in a pair of black flats and a white sundress, matched with a black blazer.

Chase had wanted her to attend the hearing for the sake of the kids, which she had no trouble agreeing to.

He began to groan in frustration again, unable to fix his tie as his nerves began to get the better off him.

"Allow me." Payton mumbled and stood in front of him, skillfully positioning the tie into place.

"I really don't want to deal with this today." He sighed, closing his eyes.

Payton looked up at his face, the bags under his eyes causing a frown to form on her face.

"Did you get much sleep last night?" She asked in a soft voice, looping the tie into a knot before sliding it up to rest just over the top botton of his white collard shirt.

"I saw every hour on the clock." He admitted, finally looking at her.

She gave him a sympathetic smile, and brought her arms to her sides.

"Once we get this over with, I can take the kids to Lola's for a few hours. Maybe that way you can catch up on some sleep." Chase was about to speak but Payton was quick to cut him off.

"And by sleep, I mean actually sleeping, in your own bed. Not sitting behind the computer screen in the office doing more filing. You need to rest before you overwork yourself."

She was concerned about his patterns lately.

"Does that mean I can have you in my bed later to?" Chase mumbled with a smirk, making Payton blush hard, but smile once again, seeing him relax a little more.

"Only if you're asleep during that time. I mean it, Chase. You need to rest."

"Yes, ma'am." He smiled, a warm feeling spreading through his chest knowing she actually cared about him.

He had never felt this way about anyone before. Not even Sarah. And they had endured a lot over the previous 10 years.

"Should the kids be attending this sort of thing?" Chase asked Payton as she moved to grab her bag.

"I assume they'll want to ask the kids questions about the past 4 weeks when they've been in both yours and Sarah's care. That way they'll know how things have been going with each parent." She explained as they both walked downstairs to get the kids.

Chase got them into the car and buckled them in before opening Payton's door, letting her slide in. The drive to the courthouse was in a comfortable silence, the only sounds heard were the small tvs in the back playing cartoons for Liam and Skylar.

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