The Devil Strikes Again

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Narrator's POV


It was like everything was in slow motion. Chase turned slowly, realising his worst nightmare had came true.

Sarah stood there in all her glory. She used to take pride in her appearance, although that had quickly dwindled along with the smell of alcohol that had permanently inbedded itself on her breath and clothes.

Chase was thankful that the kids hadn't noticed her presence, but the expression on Ryan's face was a dead giveaway he had saw her to.

Chase gave him a side look to Ryan, signalling him to keep the kids distracted.

He nudged Lola, and just before she was about to launch another cupcake, she saw where he pointed towards, the same pissed expression falling on her face.

"You need to leave. Now." Chase mumbled quietly but sternly, not wanting Liam or Skylar to notice Sarah was here.

"What? You're not gonna let me see my kids on their 4th birthday?" Chase shook his head at her stupidness.

"That just shows how much you know your children. They're 5 today. Or does alcohol make you blind too?" He muttered angrily as he pointed to the big balloons which displayed the number five.

"Liam! Skylar! Mommy's here!" Sarah yelled, receiving a few disgusted looks from the guest, noticing her appearance.

She looked like she hadn't showered in days, her hair was matted like a dogs tail, and the stench of booze was just the icing on the cake.

Lola and Ryan had gathered up the kids to take them inside along with the parents, making sure Liam and Skylar had held onto their hands.

Sarah had made an attempt to bypass Payton, but was quickly stopped by Jessica.

"I have waited 10 painfully long years for this." With that sentence, Jessica's hand rose in the air, colliding against the side of Sarah's cheek, making her stumble back.

"That is for ruining my sons life, you inconsiderate twat!" She roared as Matthew quickly grabbed her waist from behind to stop her before she could throw another punch.

"Jess that's enough! Chase can deal with this, let's get you inside." He sighed and grabbed her hand, inspecting to make sure she hadn't broken it. Payton stood stunned.

She didn't expect Jessica could even do what she did.

She watched as Matthew helped her inside and closed the back door so no one could hear what was going on.

"You're just going to let her do that to me?! I'm the Mother of your kids!" Sarah barked, stomping her foot like a toddler, holding her cheek that quickly started to swell.

"Nothing you don't deserve. Don't you think the kids have had enough of your bullshit already?!" Chase's anger was wishing to overcome him, but Payton grabbed his arm and pulled him back to stop him from doing anything stupid.

"Don't make me call the cops, Sarah. Leave my home, and leave my kids alone! They don't deserve having to see you like this!" Chase, as best he could, tried to corner Sarah to walk back towards the gates, not once laying a finger on her, no matter how much he wanted to.

"Don't you see what she's doing?! That bitch has turned you against me! She's got in your head!" Sarah pointed an accusing finger at Payton, which just sparked a bigger fire in Chase.

"Don't. You. EVER. Call her a bitch again. The only bitch here is you." Chase felt his chest become heavier, his emotions going into overide as his fists clenched into a tight ball.

Payton stood in front of Chase, worried that he was going to follow up with his Mother's actions.

"I have met you twice, and you seriously have some fucking mental issue to piss me off." Lola appeared from behind Chase and stepped around him.

Before anyone could register it, Lola had grabbed a tight grip on the ends of Sarah's hair, and pulled her in the direction out of the garden and began walking down the driveway.

Ryan must've heard Lola and ran out from the back door, following where she had went to seperate them.

He had to physically pull Lola away, throwing her over his shoulder before she done anymore damage, seeing that if he didn't Sarah would've had a lot bigger injury to deal with.

Once the gate was locked again and Ryan got Lola inside, Payton turned to Chase, a worrying feeling settling within her as she saw Chase with his hand clutched to his chest, his breathing becoming eratic.

"Chase? Chase, what's wrong?" She grabbed his shoulders, scared at the pained look on his face as he struggled to breath.

"C-can't.. hurts." He choked out his words as he gasped for air. Payton panicked, and unbutton his top two buttons on his shirt.

"Ryan!" She screamed as she began to panic herself, grabbing Chase's face to focus on her. "Chase, I need you to breath. Please, focus and breath."

Ryan ran out looking for Payton, shock settling on his face as he shouted for Matthew. "Matt! Get your ass out here!"

Ryan fell down to Chase's side, his face almost turning red as he struggled for air.

"W-What's happening?! What's wrong with him?" Payton choked out a sob as she tried to get Chase to calm down.

"He's having a panic attack. Get Matt out here now." Payton nodded quickly, rushing off her feet to get Matthew from the kitchen.

"M-Matt, it's Chase. He can't breath, he--" Payton could barely get her words out before Matthew shot out the kitchen, rushing to his son.

As soon as he saw Chase's state, he threw his arm over his shoulder and began taking him out to his car.

"He needs to go to the ER. Get Jessica." Payton nodded as tears blurred her vision, running into the kitchen.

Somehow Jessica didn't need her words as the look on Payton's face said it all.

"Payton, please keep the kids in the kitchen, don't let them go to the windows." She quickly hugged Payton before rushing out to get Chase.

Lola had kept the kids entertained in the kitchen, playing a game of pin the tail and had closed the door to the living room.

Although she was worried about what was going on, she had already heard what was happening. During that time, Lola had played some kids bop so that the kids wouldn't become concerned.

"Is he okay, what's happened?" Lola was quick to console Payton, giving her a tight hug as she stuggled to keep her sobs quiet.

"H-hes took a panic attack. I-I need to see him- I-" Lola shushed her gently and gave her a glass of water, wanting her to calm down.

"Take a few minutes, drink this. Take my car and head down there. Ryan and I will look after the kids. The parents should be here soon to pick them up anyway." Lola gave Payton her keys, which she thanked for profusely before sneaking out the door.

"Please be okay." She whispered to herself before she backed out the driveway, heading in the direction of the hospital.

"You need to be okay."

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