Shit. Here Goes Nothing.

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Chase's POV


"Mr Johnson,

I'm writing this email in regards to your nanny position. Within this email, I will leave you my previous experience and contacts.

I have worked with children for a number of years, both professionally and self care. I am certified in first aid, have a percentage of experience through medical and can be very useful if there was to be a home emergency.

I am a home owner myself, so you should be left with no worry that your home will be taken care of in the hours you must be absent.

With the information you have left about your children, and from the area you live in, I understand there is many places outwith your home that your children like to visit.

I have a full licence and my own vehicle for any travel trips necessary or wanted and from caring for family members, I would be able to self cater to child safety seats without problem.

The attachment below is a list of contacts I have previously worked for, references and addresses if you have any questions.

I hope to be able to discuss this more with you in the near future.

Kind Regards,

Payton Adams.

🔗View Attached File jmp."

In such a short yet detailed email, I was shocked to have been able to tick everything off my list.

The main thing being that if any emergency had to happen, she would know to an extend to provide aid to my children.

And to the fact she is willing to provide safety seats on her own accord, is something most people probably wouldn't think about.

After looking over a few times and calling a few of her reference numbers, and receiving excellent responses from her past employers, I decide to take a leap of faith and reply to her email, with a time and location in hopes of meeting within the next day or two to.

I leave my home office and search to find Liam and Skylar. And without surprise, they are in the living room playing tug o war on what seems to be a.. hula hoop?

Did I mention they had one each? And the exact same color to prevent this happening? Apparently not.

"Alright you two, knock it off." I speak stern to correct their behaviour and grab the hoop from them, holding up the other next to it.

"Don't you see these are exactly the same? Daddy bought you both one each. Why are we fighting over one?" I ask, looking between the two as they both huff and cross their arms over their chests.

"But Daddy this one has a dent in it. It's broken! I want the good one!" Skylar whines as her bottom lip turns out to a pout, her eyes tearing slightly.

My heart hurts at the sight of my baby girl upset.

I kneel down to my knees and grab the bent hoop, bringing it to her vision and squeeze the side of the hoop until the indent popped back out into place, making it a perfect circle again.

"See? It's all fixed. There's no need to cry sweetheart." I coo softly as her head comes into her chest, sniffling.

"You can have this one, Sky." I turn to see Liam offering the hula hoop he had to Skylar. I smile and pat his head.

"Thank you son. That was very kind of you." I point to the hoop to show Skylar but she just shakes her head and smooshes her face into my shirt. I look up to the wall clock, realising it was an hour past their usual midday nap.

No wonder why she was being a little cranky.

"Come on. Sleepy time. That's what you need hm?" I don't receive an answer, just a light squeeze from her arms. I stand to my feet and grab Liams hand, taking them both upstairs.

"Go to your room, I'll be there in a minute buddy." I point to the door and Liam jumps in, diving straight into his teddy bears. I chuckle and walk into Skylars room, kneeling beside her bed and gently lay her down.

"You're just a tired princess, aren't you?" I mumble with a smile on my lips, tucking her favourite blanket around her snugly to keep her warm and kiss her forehead. She let's out a little yawn and rubs her eyes in response.

"Goodnight Darling. Daddy loves you so much." I whisper before tucking her blanket under her chin and quietly sneaking out of her room.

Now onto the little devil.

I walk into Liam's room, finding him sat on the floor playing with his star wars figure, widening his eyes every so often in attempts to stay awake.

"Are you tired bud?" I chuckle and sit on the floor next to him.

"I don't need naps anymore. I'm a big boy." He attempts to say through yawns, his body swaying a little as he was close to falling asleep.

"Alright then, tell me how to work Darth Vader." I play along, handing him the action figure, in which he drops instantly from his eyes closing.

"Exactly what I thought." I shake my head in amusement as he finally falls to his side against me. I try not to laugh to not wake him and pick him up gently, carrying him to bed.

"I love you buddy." After tucking him in, I kiss his cheek and slowly creep out the room.

I let out a sigh, taking a few seconds to enjoy the absolute silence and head to my office.

To much surprise, I already had a response from the email to Payton. And I was happy to see she was available to meet tomorrow.

I close off my laptop and head to my room.

When the kids nap, dad naps to. Pro parent hack right there.

And just as I had laid down about to drift off for some much needed sleep, I suddenly realise something.

Sarah was coming tomorrow.



Payton's POV


I make sure I was awake and ready to start the day by 8AM. I didn't want to be late for the meet with Mr Johnson. I had to make my best impression.

If I was ever going to make enough to leave this place one day, I needed this job.

"You don't think this is too much?" I ask Lola and she gives me a once glance over.

"Of course it's too much. You leave zero to the imagination." I roll my eyes and throw the pillow at her.

"Let yourself out, yeah? I'll call you and let you know how it goes."

We announce our goodbyes and I head out to drive myself to the address I had been given.

Once I find the house, I look down at my clothing. Echos of his words telling me I wouldn't look good enough, that I was a whore. I would look desperate.

What am I doing here?

I shake my head and just as I was about to start my car, the door of the house I had pulled up to swung open.

Shit. Here goes nothing.

As the figure approached, I grabbed my bag and stepped out my car, putting on my best smile.

"You must be Payton. Hi, I'm Mr Johnson, but you can call me Chase. Would you like to come in?"

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