*Undoubtfully, Completely, Madly

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Narrator's POV


Chase felt his hands begin to sweat. He felt Payton's eyes burn holes into his face as he inwardly cursed out Ryan for bringing it up.

Ryan had an 'oh shit' expression on his face and awkwardly scratched the back of his neck.

"Um.. ima leave this one to you." He muttered and sped-walked out of the room to find Lola.

'Ima kill him'. That was Chase's next thought.

Payton stood her weight on one foot, and crossed her arms over her chest, a raise eyebrow pointed towards Chase as if she was silently telling him, 'spill or I'm going after Ryan'.

"Will you um.. sit for a minute? Please?" He gulped nervously, figiting with his fingers, his heart racing as she sat next to his chair on the couch.

He took a deep breath and gave Payton a weary smile, making her figit with her fingers.

"Chase, you're starting to worry me. Please tell me what's wrong?" Payton grabbed his hand, squeezing gently to encourage him.

"There is absolutely no easy way to say this. And this could possibly fuck up every single thing we've managed to get but like Ryan said, I can't hide from it anymore. You need to know..."

Chase's eyes met Payton's, and the feeling that struck through him, gave him every ounce of confidence and certaincy to tell her what he has so desperately wanted to say for months.

"I love you, Payton. I am undoubtfully, completely, madly fucking in love with you. I wish I had more words that can describe the feelings I have for you, but the best I can give is that I love you."

He pulled her hand upto his lips, pressing a gentle kiss upon her knuckles, his stomach turning as he awaited her reaction.

She became still. As every second passed that she was silent, made Chase dizzy with worry.

"Payton.. say something, please." He squeazed her hand, fear creeping within him as he prepared himself for the rejection.

He loved her completely, and was scared he had stepped over a limit.

He got ready to apolgise, seeing her facial expressions settle into nothing but as he opened his mouth to speak, Payton crashed her lips upon his, wrapping her arms tightly around his shoulders.

Initially, Chase was shocked. He was waiting for her to shout, scream, tell him that he was crazy and that she didn't share the same passion he did. But the unexpected happened.

Payton had wiped away his worry as soon as her lips needily collided with his own. He didn't take long to respond, pulling her onto his lap.

He held back a groan and ignored the pain that struck through his side as he brought a hand up towards Payton's face, holding her close to him.

Their lips moulded into one as they desprately tried to get closer, even though their chests were already pressed together.

A teary-eyed Payton pulled back, smiling through her tears as their forheads connected.

"I- I love you too, Chase." She sniffled, the smile widening on Chase's face, making his cheeks hurt.

"Why the tears, Sweetheart?" He chuckled, rubbing his thumb softly under her eye.

"I'm just happy... you make me happy." He felt his heart swell with so much happiness, he couldn't help but claim her lips once again.

Suddenly, there was a popping sound heard and streams of colorful paper string was falling over Chase and Payton.

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