Happy Little Families

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Narrator's POV


It had been almost 2 weeks since the twins birthday and with a little bit of persuading from Payton, she managed to convince Chase to take a week off from work to spend a little family time together.

Payton had planned a little trip for a few days in secret as a surprise for Chase and the kids. She had seeked out a lovely little cabin house around an hour's drive from their home.

It was pitched right by a beach, and most importantly, a large spaced play-area for the kids. It was the perfect little getaway they truly needed.

Chase had parked up the car outside, and let the kids out from their seats.

"How about you two go play in the backyard for a while before dinner?" Chase offered the kids and they both nodded excitedly before running hand in hand together towards the swing set.

He turned to Payton with a smile and grabbed the suitcases as soon as she opened the boot of the car to prevent her from doing any heavy lifting.

"Let me get those, Sweetheart." He said and placed a soft kiss on her cheek before lifting the bags and carried them inside.

Payton stood for a moment, observing her surroundings.

Watching as the most special little humans in her life spring with carefree laughter as the man of her dreams moved the little family into their humble abode for the next few days.

She had found herself in that moment, the most happiest she's felt since she met them.

There was no crazy ex's or teasing friends to ruin, (or attempt to -unintentionally- ruin at least) their tempoary safe haven. Just bliss.

Just as she was fading into her own little world while watching over Liam and Skylar, she felt two muscular arms wrap around her waist, feeling a chin be placed on her shoulder.

She sighed and relaxed back into Chase, leaning her head against his own.

"What's going on inside that prettly little head of yours, hm?" Chase murmured, kissing softly over her cheek.

"Just taking eveything in. Being here with the kids, with you. It's perfect." She smiled, turning in his arms.

"Perfect is an understatment." Chase chuckled, tucking Payton hair behind her ear.

"Have I ever told you how much I love you?" Chase whispered, gently pecking her button nose.

"Maybe once or twice." Payton blushed as her arms looped around his neck.

Chase playfully rolled his eyes before doing his three-point check.

He kissed her forehead,


Then kissed her nose,


and lastly, a soft, lingering kiss upon her lips,


As he pulled back, Payton grabbed the back of his neck and crashed her lips back onto his, savouring the moment.

As they broke apart, giggles were heard from after.

"Daddy and Patty, sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I - come here you little rascals- AHHH!"

Chase released Payton from his arms and began running after Liam and Skylar, soon catching them in his arms as he near tickled them to death.

She smiled and retreated back inside to begin dinner, chicken burgers and fries all round. She began seasoning the burgers and shaping them into almost perfect circles before frying them to the perfect shade of brown.

As she was cleaning up around the island top, her phone screen lit up, indicating she had a text message. As she picked up her phone, a confused look drew on her face.

"Your act of playing happy little families won't last much longer."

She heard the back patio door open and jumped, quickly hiding her phone into her back pocket.

"Hey, are you alright? You look a bit shaken." Chase slowly approached her, and she just shook it off, giving him a smile.

"I'm okay. The burgers are ready." She said, preparing them onto the plates.

Chase gently turned Payton to him by her shoulders, cupping her face gently into his hands.

"You've got to be the world's worst liar, Miss Adams." He chuckled lightly, but his concern grew for her.

"What's bothering you, Sweetheart?"

Payton knew she couldn't hide the truth from him, nor did she want to hide anything from him, so she simply sat her phone down on the counter, showing Chase the displayed message on the screen.

"I got this around 10 minutes ago, from an unknown number." Chase looked at the screen, confusion causing his brows to furrow together.

"The wicked witch at her best." He rolled his eyes and locked her phone so the screen turned black.

"Ignore it. Don't let her mind games play tricks on you. Her jealousy is uglier than she is." Chase kissed the top of Payton's head to give her reassurance, annoyance running through his veins.

"I just wish she would stop trying to ruin things and interfering."

All Payton wanted was to have a no-drama free-zone for the time they were away. Chase pulled away slightly and silently pulled out his phone.

He turned so Payton could see his screen as he sent a quick text to his parents and Ryan to say he would text them after they got back home in a few days time before completely turning off his phone.

He then did the same with Payton's phone after sending the same message to Lola and placed their phones in one of the many bags they had yet to unpack.

"Cell-free zone until we go home, deal?" Chase held out his hand to Payton and she smiled, shaking his hand.


The pair shared a short passionate kiss before shouting on Liam and Skylar to come inside for their dinner.

Just as Payton was about to carry the sodas to the table for everyone, Chase came up behind Payton, giving a small peck behind her ear, whispering.

"How about a de-stresser after dinner, hm?"

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