Not All Disasters End Bad

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Narrator's POV


The constant ticking of the clock on the bright blue wall was the only thing Chase heard for the past three hours.

Currently sat in the states hospital, he had no news or updates on the wellfare of the woman who was becoming his heart and soul.

The worry had itched at him, no nurse or doctor had even aknowledged his presence in the waiting room, too busy to notice the heartbroken man consoling his children.

Chase sat with Skylar perched in his lap, her body curled into his chest as she slept, along with Liam slumped against his side.

It had neared 6PM, both of the children were exshausted after today's dreadful events.

"Anyone here for Miss Payton Adams?"

Chase moved Skylar from his lap and laid her next to Liam, covering them both with his large black coat, before stepping over to where the doctor had called from.

He felt his palms begin to sweat profusely, anxiously waiting for the doctor to tell him any news.

"What's your relation to the patient, Sir?" Chase cleared his throat, his mouth feeling like sandpaper as he gulped down the lump in his throat.

"I-I'm her partner. Where is she? Is Payton okay? Can I see her?" His voice cracked, the nerves built like a ball in his stomach, making him feel nauseous.

"Miss Adams is currently resting at the minute. We've had time to examine her injuries, she's had a small blow to the head. This may cause her to have a minor concusssion but we won't know for sure until she is fully conscious." The doctor looked down at Payton's file in his hands and took a pause.

"Were you or Miss Adams aware of the occuring pregnancy?" With those following words, Chase's world felt like it was crumbling into a million tiny pieces.

"O-occuring? Meaning she- she-" Chase was unable to gather his words, his thoughts racing at one hundred miles per hour.

"Occuring, meaning still. I'm assuming you didn't know or weren't able to find out yet. Miss Adams results from her sonogram show she is currently six weeks along in her pregnancy. I'm sure you didn't want this news reaching you on these terms but with her scan results, we can assure you, no damage has been made towards Miss Adams womb or the fetus."

Chase let out a sigh in relief, his emotions overwhelming him as his legs buckled beneath him. The doctor took quick action, and helped Chase onto the nearby seat, crouching to his eye level.

"Is she going to be okay? Is my baby okay?" His voice cracked, the doctor feeling much empathy for him as he placed a comforting hand on Chase's shoulder.

"You can rest assured, Mr Johnson, that both your partner and child is completely safe and healthy. Once the nurses has brought her round and finishes their checkups, I will personally escort you to her room, myself." Chase nodded and shook the doctor's hand in gratitude before he left him to return to Liam and Skylar.

A few moments had passed before the doctor approached Chase again, eassuring that Liam and Skylar would be kept under supervision until he had returned.

Chase kissed both their heads and tucked his coat around them tighter before following the doctor to Payton's room.

He felt his heart break at the sight of her. The small visible cut on her cheek was sparked red, she had slight bruising under her eye, and could barely keep herself awake, but when Chase came into her view, her heart jumped.

"Chase." Her voice came out as a sob, Chase rushed to her side and grabbed her hand, placing multiple kisses over her face.

"I'm here. Oh thank god, you're okay. I'm here Sweetheart." Chase mumbled sweet nothings into Payton's ear, carefully holding her hand against his chest as he pulled a seat close to her bed to sit by her side.

"Where are the kids? Where's Liam and Sky? Are they okay? Are they safe?" Her words rambled out quickly, worried that something had happened to them.

"They're here. They're asleep in the waiting room, one of the nurses are with them." Chase couldn't stop touching her.

He just wanted to feel that she was really there, safe and sound in his arms.

Her emotions ran sky high, and hearing that the two little humans who she cared for more than anything in the world, were safe and sound, brought her into sobs.

"Come here. Shh." Chase carefully sat on the edge of Payton's bed, wrapping his arms carefully around her shoulders, embracing her with his warmth.

They both sighed contently, gripping onto each others shirts for comfort.

"I'm so glad you're okay." Payton's voice was small, but Chase heard her as clear as day, making him chuckle.

"You're glad I'm okay? I was scared shitless about you." He placed a kiss upon her head, stroking her hair comfortingly.

There was a moment of silence before they pulled back. "I love you. So fucking much." As Chase had leant forward, he placed his lips firmly upon Payton's sighing gently at the feeling.

"I didn't think I was ever going to be able to do that again." He admitted, tears once again brimming his eyes.

"Hey... I'm here. I'm with you. I promise." Payton mumbled, looking up into Chase's love-filled eyes as both their foreheads connected.

"Don't ever scare me like that again." He grabbed her hand that rested upon his cheek, pressing a soft kiss to her palm.

Payton had never felt a feeling like it. Feeling so loved and cared about, gave her heart a warmth she never knew was possible.

"I need to tell you something."

Just before Chase could even begin his next sentence, the doctor whom he spoke to in the waiting room came through the door.

"Miss Adams. It's a pleasure to see you finally awake. There's just a few physical and prenatal terms I'd like to discuss with you and your partner before we move you to a new room for over-night observation."

As the doctor had wheeled over a machine towards Payton's bed, her eyes darted to Chase, a shocked look on her face as happy tear-filled eyes met with her own.

"I'm pregnant?" Chase nodded in response, the widest smile plastered on his face as he squeezed her hand.

"Indeed. We reckon by your chart you may be reaching the end of your sixth week, but by doing a quick scan will tell us for sure."

Chase moved himself to the other side of Payton's bed and watched as the doctor poured a glob of jelly directly onto Payton's stomach.

"Is this your first child, Miss Adams?" He asked, to which Payton shakily responded 'yes' to, still in shock of the news.

As the doctor rested the machine onto Payton's stomach, a small fetus displayed in white and black on the screen.

"As you see here, we have the beginning of the fetus, the spine lines direct here, the curving of the head, I'd say they're measuring to be at six weeks and five days."

Payton let out a breathy laugh, clutching onto Chase's hand as he kissed it once more.

"That's our baby."

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