As The Truth Unfolds

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Narrator's POV


Chase was asked to follow the Judge into another room. He was asked to take a seat in front of the desk that was positioned in the middle of the room.

"As you know," the Judge began,

"Both children were each taken into a private room prior to today's session for some questioning." A single paged file was placed in front of Chase.

"Similar questions were asked within the session. These were more detailed in comparison to what was discussed in court."

Chase skimmed over the file, most questions were worded exactly the same, but the answers typed on the file were less exact to what Liam and Skylar had answered to in front of Chase, Payton and Sarah.

"Reffering to our second and third question, who the children lives with within the timeshare of their Mother's, her boyfriend was mentioned a lot from Skylar's responses."

Chase viewed the questions, his eyes landing on a particular answer.

His blood boiled within seconds.

"We believe there is more to this case than just mistreatment on their Mother's behalf-" Chase didn't want to hear anymore, what he read, was more than enough.

"You're telling children have been.. a-abused, more ways than one by this.. this moster! And you expect me to comply with the courts expectations?! THEY SHOULD BE ROTTING IN A CELL BY NOW!"

Chase was livid.

"This information was passed on to the judge mid-session as you saw, which is why he ajourned the meeting and granted the custody share with yourself and Miss Adams. At this moment in time, Miss Jones has no parental rights towards Liam and Skylar."

Those words were like music to Chase's ears.

"Although I couldn't say further the same for you if you don't regain control of your anger right now. Many assesors tend to twist their found stories to make it look like the good guy is the villain."

Chase got himself together, taking a deep breath.

"How do I go around ensuring she doesn't regain those rights?" Chase asked eagerly, his thoughts running wild with what could or more so, has already happened with Liam and Skylar.

"Unfortunately, there is no immediate action you can take unless Miss Jones revokes all parental rights to your children. Or if the jury sees her as unfit to care for Liam and Skylar."

It was like there was no end to this problem.

"Can I see my children now?"

All of Chase's fatherly instincts had taken over, all he wanted was to take them home and make sure they were okay.

"I believe there is no further restrictions."

That was all the judge was able to get out before Chase took off running to find his children.

Panic began to settle in when he saw no sight of them in the court room, but once he ran out to the parking lot, seeing Liam knocked out in his carseat, and Skylar half asleep in Payton's arms, all panic and doubt left his system.

He watched from afar as Payton glanced at Liam, a small smile appearing on her face before she focused her attention on Skylar, brushing her hair with her fingers.

He saw her mumble something before placing a sleeping Skylar into the safety seat, securely strapping her in.

As soon as she closed the door, her eyes fell on Chase.

She wasted no time before walking towards him, letting her wrap her arms around his broad shoulders, allowing him to let all of his emotions into her neck.

She gave him a few moments after closing the back passenger doors, searching for the keys within his jacket pockets.

She placed a soft kiss on his cheek and silently guided him into the car before driving them all home to the Johnson household.

When they had parked safely, Chase exited the car and lifted both children into his arms. Payton locked the car and let Chase into the house, locking the door behind her.

She watched as the broken man carried his children up the stairs, following closely behind him.

She wanted to offer to help, but knowing how Chase must have been feeling, she didn't want him to have to choose to let any one of them go.

Once they reached the top, Chase cautiously passed Liam into Payton's arms, carrying him to his bedroom.

She changed him into his favourite PJ Mask themed pjyamas and tucked him into his blanket, kissing the top of his head before leaving his room, not before switching his night light on.

She walked down the hallway to Skylar's room, silently peeking through the doorway.

Skylar was dressed in her Belle princess themed night gown, and her favourite teddy bear tucked under her arm as Chase watched her fall into a deep sleep, securely tucking her favourite blanket around her small body.

Chase watched as Payton leaned over him to place a gentle kiss on Skylar's head, nothing but empty thoughts running through his head.

She led him out of the room and closed the door silently, leading him back to his own bedroom.

She removed his coat, hanging it back up in his wardrobe and kissed his cheek softly, wishing him a goodnight before she headed back towards the door, not knowing if he wanted to be left alone.

"Stay.. please." His voice broke, as did Payton's heart. She left the door ajar and returned to Chase, wrapping her arms around him once again.

"I'm not going anywhere unless you want me to." She mumbled softly, tightening her hold on him.

Chase broke down completely, sobbing into Payton's neck.

Although as much as she wanted to let go of the brimming tears in her eyes, she wanted to be strong for Chase.

Payton kissed Chase's temple, slowly removing his suit jacket and tie, hanging it back up in the closet before helping guide him to remove the rest of his suit and shoes until he was dressed down to his underwear.

She guided him under the duvet and into bed before she changed into her nightwear, slipping into the bed next to him.

Chase let out another unwanted sob, making Payton hold him tightly to her chest, rubbing soothing cirlces on his back with her palm.

"One day, there will be a day where you'll wake up and everything will be right in your world. I promise you that." She muttered softly, tears filling her own eyes as she received a small squeeze in return.

"As long as I have you and my kids, everything is already how it needs to be." Chase mumbled into Payton's chest, sleep already taking over his body.

Payton felt her heart warm, a smile creeping upon her lips as a tear shed from her eye.

She held him as tight as she could, content knowing the children and the man she needed most in the world were with her under the same roof.

Of course as well as Snookie who had creeped into Chase's bedroom, taking his spot at the bottom of the bed, curled into the sheets between Chase and Payton's legs.

And with the thought of having of what she now considered as her family, was safe and sound, she fell asleep peacefully, listening to the soft breathing of the man she knew she had fell deeply for.

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