Time For New Beginnings

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Continued from Payton's POV


The moment I enter the house, I already hear the raised high pitched angry voices from upstairs.

Mr Johnson- I mean, Chase, just looks at me with an apologetic look and excuses himself. I bite my tongue to hide a giggle at his annoyed expression and nod.

"We have an important guest downstairs and she can hear you both being so loud. How do we act when people are in our home?!" I can hear Chase scowl the children and they immediately simmer down.

I hear small muffled voices reply followed by little pattered footsteps and I'm soon greeted with 2 little children, no higher than the height of my hip.

"Payton, excuse these brats for all of the noise. They wanted to introduce themselves to you." Chase gave them a light nudge to encourage them.

There was a little silence before the little boy who I assume was Liam, offered his hand.

"My name is Liam. Is nice to meet yous." He attempted to grip my hand for a strong shake and I followed.

"Its very nice to meet you Liam. My name is Payton. But you can call me Patty."

"Pay-ton." I chuckle and nod at his prouncation.

"That's correct. And what might your name be?" I ask in a soft tone as I turn my attention to the little girl hidden behind her father's leg. She eyed me for a moment before curring her face behind Chase.

"This is Skylar. She can get shy at first." I smile up at Chase and nod, standing up straight. "Shall we?" He gestured towards the kitchen and I followed with Liam as he carried Skylar in his arms.

We all took a seat at the table and gave Skylar and Liam both a coloring book to keep them occupied whilst Chase began his discussions.

"So, as I mentioned in the email, I read over your application. Outstanding returns from your previous employers which gave me the courage to lean towards you even more over the other applicants. Before I go any further, can we just confirm that you understand this is a live-in position? It would be much easier than to call you at 5 in the morning to be here. My work schedule is a little over the place at the moment."

I chuckle and nod. "Of course. I made sure to read through your requirements thoroughly. It's not an issue. If I were to be picked, this would be my only job. I don't have any other responsibilities other than maintaining my home."

He seemed happy with my answer and made a few notes as we went along.

"There's certain routines with the children. I'll leave a list of any allergies you need to know about on the fridge so you know where to look. Skylar has a nut allergy. So we tend not to have any in the house and keep our foods as nutfree as possible. On the other hand with Liam, he is lactose intolerant. Dairy is a no go. He can have some as a treat such as ice cream and whatnot but he's limited to a certain amount everyday doctors orders."

As Chase went on discussing the routines of the children, I was very surprised to how devoted he was to the kids. It's not something you see much of in today's society. It was amazing to see.

"Bedtimes. You may have some issue with Skylar. She tends to have night terrors a lot or can't get to sleep to start with. If it's the case of a terror, please let me know and I'll handle it if it gets too much. On the other hand with Liam, usually he falls asleep before he even gets upstairs. Once he's asleep, he's gone. Not a sound until morning." I chuckle and nod again in understanding.

"Most.. or some I should say. Some weekends, the kids visit their mother. But even with those times you are still welcome to stay here. You'll have your own room, which has its own bathroom, theirs a lock so you can have your privacy. I can't count how many times those rascals have barged into my room at unneeded times.

Depending on my work schedules, I'll need you here early Sundays for the kids home arrivals. Is that okay with you?" Chase asks cautiously and I simply nod.

I don't have much to do with my free time other than listen to Lola all day, or be poked at by Ryan.

I freeze in my own headspace for a minute, thinking about him, but quickly revert my attention to Chase.

As we go over a few more things and routines, I can't help but take a glance to Skylar every so often. She seemed so enclosed and.. scared almost. I wonder what went on before I got here.

After a while, Chase let the kids go play and continued to fill me in with much needed information about certain things with the house and their school routines. After a quick tour of the house, we settled back at the kitchen.

"Not to sound like a pushover or anything but how long would you say before you can get moving in?" I turn to Chase and shrug.

"I could move in right now. This place is amazing." I laugh jokingly. "Great, we can go get your things right now!"

I don't think Chase understood the joke but I let it off, knowing it would happen at some point. He called for the kids to come down and we all headed into Chase's car, which might just be the comfiest car I've been in, and start driving to my apartment.

"If you don't mind me asking, and I apologise in advance if I'm prying, but why aren't you and your wife still together?" I notice how Chase's jaw clenched at the mention of her, and I instantly regretted bringing it up.

"I'm sorry if I've upset you." He shook his head and gave a smile.

"Don't apologise, you should know these things anyway. To put a long story short, she cheated on me. Left me and the kids to be with some random guy in Michigan." I couldn't help up take mental note of how his jaw clenched at the mention of the new guy.

"They moved back here and that's when the custody battle became a thing. We have joint custody of the kids but if it was my choice, she wouldn't have access to them at all." I noticed his knuckles become white from his grip on the wheel.

"I apologise. That must've been horrible. If it counts for anything, you've done amazing with those kids." I notice his grip loosen and a small thanks escapes his lips.

We arrive to my apartment and I begin packing my things into a few boxes. I only packed what I needed and anything sentimental. And in conclusion, I only needed 3 cardboard boxes. That's all I had that meant anything to me.

I took a moment to take in my surroundings, I wouldn't miss this place one bit. The memories were far from good. And I was happy to be moving on from it.

"You all set to go?" I jump at the sound of Chase standing in the doorway and nod, grabbing my last box.

"Let me get that." He grabs the box and carries it out to the car. I take one last look and let a sigh out, locking the door and hiding the key under the mat.

Time for new beginnings.

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