Sir Is The Soft Spot

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Chase's POV


I currently stood in my office, a cup of coffee in hand as I watched multiple cars passed down below from the high-view window.

It was 9am and still, she was stuck on my mind.

If I just had one more split second, I would've finally known what the sweet flavours tasted like that were held upon Miss Payton Adams' lips.

"Mr Johnson, your next clients are here. Will I send them in?" Brenda, my assistant's voice echoed through my receiver.

"Yes, please, Brenda."

"Right away, Sir." She replied in a sultry voice, making me roll my eyes.

Over the many years she had worked here, instead of making her work her number one priority, getting into my bed seemed to be top of her list.

If it wasn't for the fact she was actually good at her job, I would've fired her a long time ago.

"Mr Carter. Pleasure to finally meet. Please, take a seat." I shook the mans hand as he entered.

"What can I do for you?" I watched as he sat his briefcase onto my large room-sized desk and pull out some documents, handing me what looked like to be blue-prints.

"Mr Johnson, may I first begin with saying the pleasure is all mine. It is an honor to finally be able to get this meeting, and I don't doubt this project will come to meet your full expected potential."

Talking himself up right off the bat? This should be good.

"My company is looking to expand up north. We hold a succesful partnership with Reids Enterprises and with a little financial funding, we expect our products to be flying off the market by the start of summer."

2 months? Let's see what he has to offer.

I sat comfortably in my chair, entwining my hands together, letting the man talk.

If the small sweat beads weren't enough to give off his nervousness, I don't know what was. But I'll give it a go.

"I present to you, the newest model of Air Purifiers. With the latest fuel shortage around the world, most waste has been exposed to global air. We intend for our products to reach as many homes within the US and their borders before hopefully expanding world-wide."

He took a deep breath, showcasing his nervousness... but I wasn't about to embarrass the man like that.

"Our marketing price start from a minimum of $75 dollars a pocket, to a maximum of $152 dollars. We have two products, one that uses energy, one that works without. These are promoted to reduce polluted air, remove foul odors and improve sleep quailty for our buyers. What we are asking is for an investment of half of our producing price at 1.7 million dollars."

Bold. But very well organised.

"As our stats show, due to it being promoted in September, we have reached multiple standing points. In the month of December, our sales reached 165,000. Between October and November, our sales were escalating between 97,000 and 104,000 buyers. If you agree to this investment, you are ensured to gain 15% of our sales, which works to be 255 thousand dollars."

Good money for a basic product.

"It seems you have put very much thought into this. I'm impressed. But what makes this product any different to anyone else's creations of air purifiers?" I asked.

Many of the similar products have been made since 1848.

It was a standard idea in my opinion.

"The purifiers we have created uses a significant amount less energy than what a typical purifier would do in this modern day. We have re-created a better system to ensure pollution is reduce sufficently compared to the last few hundred years. Much time has been spent on the highest research and we have bettered this product in ways such as less energy costs and reducing the world's polluted air. Not to mention, the similiar products produced in this day and age, have been price marked way higher compared to how we have price pointed, for better affects."

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