Rocky Road Ahead

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Narrator's POV


Over the next few days, Chase had shed away from Payton and the work load piling on his desk.

He ignored Ryan on most days, checking in with him once or twice when his constant calls and texts got too much. He would spend the majoirty of the day with the kids.

In his mind, he failed his children, so to ensure nothing would happen to them again, he kept them close at all times, hardly going outside.

He even took his work home so he wouldn't have to leave the house.

Payton understood his actions, but hadn't figured out as to why he tried to keep her at arms length or further from himself, and even the kids.

Payton had returned to sleeping in her own bedroom at the Johnson household, although with the feeling that Chase no longer wanted her around, she began spending more nights at Lola's.

To save money she hardly spent a day in, she sold her apartment months ago.

She felt up until now, everything was running in the right direction, she didn't see the reason to waste money on the apartment she had if it wasn't being used, so she sold it.

Which was in the spur of the moment thing and stupid now that she thought about it.

She had no idea what Chase felt or what he was thinking. He hardly spoke a word to her nowadays.

"I don't know what to do Lola. He hasn't spoke to me in days. I don't think he even wants me in the house anymore." Her voice cracked as Lola embraced her gently.

"A lot is running through his head right now, Payton. After dealing with what Sarah has done to those kids, to then hear about that asshole boyfriend of hers, you need to see it from his side." She tried to comfort her.

"I would never hurt those kids! H-he knows that!" Payton sobbed harder.

She loved them with every fibre of her being. All she wanted to do was protect them.

"I'm sure he does. He just needs time to process everything." Lola explained.

Snookie sensed Payton's sadness, laying himself over her lap, licking the side of her hand.

Payton petted his furry head and closed her eyes, the headache from crying starting to form quickly.

"Try get some sleep for me okay? We'll go over there in the morning and work this out." Lola kissed Payton's head and draped a blanket over her tired body before heading upstairs.

Payton tried for hours, the cuddles from Snookie helped, but the ache in her heart only worsened as time passed.

It was reaching 2AM before she finally felt her eyes drop, but the ringing from her phone stopped her.

Chase's name popped up on the screen, her mind told her to ignore it, but something didn't feel right in her gut, so she picked up.

"Chase?" She asked confused, but her tired eyes sprung wide when she heard the small voice of Skylar.

"P-Payton, where are yous?" She asked in a scared tone.

Payton shot up, standing from the couch.

"Skylar? Why are you calling? How did you get Daddy's phone?" She replied as calmly as she possibly could.

"I-it was on the floor. D-daddy fells asleep on the floor. H-he won't wake ups. I s-scared."

As quick as a flash, Payton slid on her shoes and grabbed her keys, quickly but quietly leaving the house.

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