"Daddy Told Me Not To Talk To Strangers"

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Narrators POV


It was the beginning of day 1. Chase had already left for work. Liam was running wild with his toys. And Payton and Skylar were currently having a stare off at the dining table.

"Would you like something to drink?" Silence.

"Maybe something to eat?" Silence.

"Why don't we color some pictures?" Silence.

"Play with the ponies? Your dad said you loved ponies!"

"Daddy told me not to talk to strangers."

This kid was gonna be a tough nut to crack. Payton's thoughts called to her.

"Your dad has left me here to take care of you and your brother whilst he's gone at work." She explains to Skylar who just crosses her arms.

"I'm 4. A big girl. Don't need a babysitter." Payton sighs and makes a move to Skylar, crouching down beside her chair.

"We all need looking out for. That's all I'm doing until your father gets home." She smiles politely, and wearily reaches out to tuck the fallen stands of hair behind Skylars ear, to which she flinches and scurries off out the door.

That was strange.

The slamming of Skylar's bedroom door echoed through the house. Payyon sighs, unable to get through to her. She decide to let Skylar have her space and sit next to Liam.

"How about we make some sandwiches. Do you think Skylar would like the heart cut shaped ones?" Payton asks Liam to which he nods excitedly.

She makes a half dozen ham and cheese sandwiches with help from Liam by using the plastic shape cutters for stars and hearts for Skylar and Liam to share and carry them upstairs to Skylar's room.

Payton knocks on the door softly, but Liam just yanks the handle and barges in. "We made you sammiches Sky!" He yells excited over the creations but Skylar doesn't budge from under her blankets.

"Skylar sweetie, you need to eat. Liam made these especially for you! He even cut them into hearts for you. Isn't that your favourite?" Eventually after a few moments, Skylar's head pops up out from her blanket and slowly reaches out to grab one of the heart shaped sandwiches.

Payton smiles happily, relief falling over her as Skylar finally eats in her presence. She didn't want Skylar to go hungry until Chase returned.

"When will daddy be coming home?" Finally, her little tough facade fell through, a scared look glinted in her eyes.

"I don't know sweetheart. He shouldn't be too long now. How about we all go downstairs and watch a movie with our sandwiches?" Liam yelps in excitement once again, running downstairs to the sofa.

Just as Payton was leaving Skylars room, she felt a little hand grab onto her index finger. She looked down, pleased to see that Skylar had followed her lead, sticking close by her.

Maybe she just needs a little time to get used to me...

Payton nodded at her thought and decided that was the reason to Skylar's strange behaviour.

She set up the movie in the living area and gave both Liam and Skylar a blanket each. "Sit next to me Payton!" Liam screeches as he bounced on the couch making Payton laugh. She sits beside Liam and switches on the Disney movie, Aladdin.

"Would you like to sit with us Skylar?" Payton asked as her hand patted the free space next to her and Liam. It took a few seconds for Skylar to decide but she finally nodded, settling in next to Payton on the couch.

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