The Devil's First Strike

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Narrator's POV


By the time Payton visited home, did her own cleaning for the day, revisited the Johnson household, cleared the morning mess and ate brunch, it was already time to pick up Liam and Skylar from school.

She drove the 6 minute journey to the school building and stood at the gates. She watched as all the children emerged from the front door, running to their parents and eagerly waited for Liam and Skylar to run out.

It wasnt until 90% of the school children had left with there parents, that she had started to get worried.

Payton looked around for a moment, thinking the kids had already came out and couldn't find her, but after the majority of parents had left with their kids and it was an almost empty ground, did she start to panic.

She calmed but worriedly approached on of what she assumed was a teacher at the school and tapped her shoulder, apologising for the complication.

"Hi, I'm sorry to bother you, but I'm here to collect Liam and Skylar Johnson today. Are they still inside by any chance?" The nervousness settled within her, hoping the teacher had answers.

Payton watched as the teacher had checked over her signing sheets, a confused expression falling over her face.

"It seems a Miss Sarah Jones has already signed Liam and Skylar out." Payton was about to respond but another parent had caught the teacher's attention, making her walk away.

She quickly grabbed her phone from her jacket pocket, dialing Chase's phone number. Payton cursed to herself when the dial tone came on, revealing Chase's voicemail and hung up, quickly dialling his work number.

"Steels Enerprises, this is Chantelle speaking. May I ask the reason for your call?" The voice of a woman spoke over the line, the audible sound of gum smacking irritable to the ear.

"This is Payton Adams. I need to get in touch with Mr Chase Johnson." The panic in her voice could alert anyone, but the woman on the line, not so much.

"Mr Johnson isn't taking calls at the moment, can I take your name-" Payton groaned, cutting the woman off.

"I'm the carer for his children. It's an emergency!" The woman cleared her throat in dismissal, not apreciating how Payton had spoken to her, but nonetheless, dialed Chase's office.

"Please hold." As soon as Payton was about to shout down the phone, dial tones sounded through the speaker, connecting her to a hold position which played what seemed like typical elevator music.

"Son of a bitch."

Payton began speed-walking back to the car, anxiously waiting for Chase to answer.

"This is Chase Johnson. Apologies, but I'm unable to take anymore con- Chase it's Payton." She cut him off, shoving her key into the egnition and starting the car, reversing out of the carlot.

"Payton? What's the matter?" Chase asked in a concerned tone. This was the first Payton ever had to call while he was at work.

"Did you put Sarah back on the schools primary carer list?" She pushed her foot on the gas, heading down the streets that would lead her to Chase's office.

"I didn't authorize that. Did you get the kids from school?" Worry had settled in his voice, tears almost coming to surface in Payton's eyes.

"I got here 10 minutes ago, their teacher informed me that Sarah got them from school today." Payton heard a faint "shit" echo through the phone.

"She isn't even allowed to have the kids on her own!" Chase growled to himself, which Payton had picked up, but decided not to comment at that given time.

"Okay, listen. I'm gonna send you an address. I'll meet you there in 10 minutes. If you get there before me, do whatever you can to get the kids into the car and get them back home."

During that moment, Payton's phone buzzed. She took the phone from her ear, clicking on the message Chase had sent her and put the address into her satnav.

Within 8 minutes, both Chase and Payton had arrived at Sarah's home. It didn't even take 20 seconds before Chase was out of his car and pounding his fist on the door.

"Sarah! Get your ass out here now!" He roared, Payton quickly following behind him. The faint shouts of the kids were heard through the door and a few moments later, the door swung open.

"What the fuck is your problem?!" As the door swung open, the faint smell of what could only be weed and the strong scent of liqour from Sarah's breath instantly hit Chase's nose.

"Have you been fucking drinking?!" Chase roared, barging through the door.

"Daddy!" Skylar had ran from the living room into her father's arms. Chase picked her up instantly, securing his little girl in his arms.

Knowing Skylar was safe, Payton's mind instantly flooded to Liam's whereabouts. Moments later, Liam had appeared at the top of the stairs and Payton didn't hesitate to run up and grab him, lifitng him onto her hip.

"And what's it to you? It was my turn to get the kids! You have kept them from me for two weeks!" Sarah roared, her words slurring immensely.

"And no thought occured to you why? You can't even care for yourself, never mind my kids!" Payton attempted to cover Liam's ears as she whisked by Chase, grabbing the car keys from his hands.

Liam burried his face into her shoulder, violently shaking with fear in Payton's arms. Chase gave Payton a gentle nudge as she passed him, making sure she had Skylar's hand before letting her go.

"OUR kids. Don't forget they are mine too!" Sarah snapped back, pointing a finger in Chase's face.


Payton felt Skylar jump and quickly secured both the children into their safety seats.

"Hey.. how about we watch Paw Patrol, hm? That's your favourite, isn't it?" They both nodded and Payton quickly found both the headphones tucked in the front seats storage pockets.

Turning on the miniture tv screens attatched to the front seats and playing the cartoon for them, she turned the volumes up, not too high that it would hurt their ears, but high enough so that they wouldn't hear all the comotion outside.

She closed both doors and walked back in Chase's direction, grabbing his arm to catch his attention.

"Let's just go. She isn't worth this." Chase found instant calmness at Payton's touch and followed her lead, both of them heading back to the car.

Chase looked back to check on the kids, smiling slightly when he saw them calm and content watching their favourite show.

Just as Sarah began approaching the car, Chase stepped his foot on the gas and sped off down the street.

"I need to talk to you once we get home."

10 words was all it took to make Payton's heart drop.

And she had a fair idea why.

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