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Narrator's POV


It was yet another sleepless night for Chase. He sat in a pair of grey sweats on the sofa, a glass of burboun in hand.

It was around 1AM, he had now lost count of how many he had drank, his mind felt a little fuzzy.

He took another dreadful sip as he looked over the copy of the kids' files from the court. How could someone do this to children? Innocent little people.

Payton shuffled in her sleep, attemtping to find Chase blindly with her hand but once she was greeted with cold sheets, she sprung up into a sitting position.

She looked towards the bathroom, seeing no light. So gathering the idea he must've been downstairs, she wrapped a blanket around her shivering body and shuffled her feet out the bed and tiptoed down.

She noticed the light was on and quietly went through. Chase was sat there on the sofa, bags once again forming under his eyes.

His hand gripped tightly on the glass, making his knuckles go white. She looked further, noticing the files in his hands and let out a small sigh.

"Chase, you need some rest. Work can wait til tomorrow." She said softly taking a seat next to him. Chase said nothing but dropped the file on the coffee table, staring out the window to the pitch black sky.

"Seems I have a new job coming up." His voice was sharp, Payton could sense the anger. She took a seat next to him, looking at the file and realised it was the report from the courts.

Her hand came to cover her mouth in shock as she read the statements.

Skylar was made to stay in her room at most times, fed minimum meals mostly consisted of jam sandwiches. Liam was also made to stay isolated in a seperate room.

There was specific times the children had mentioned when they were given food, also times when they received "permission" to use the bathroom.

They were forbidded to use the garden.

Their bedroom descriptions were very similar, plain walls, a small bed low to the ground, one with a broken leg, and a single blanket.

It seemed Sarah's house was fairly under-decorated and facilitated due to what was mentioned in the bathroom and lack of groceries in the kitchen.

The windows had a covering, meaning they werent allowed to have them open either.

It then led on to what Skylar had said about Sarah's boyfriend.

He was fairly agressive towards the children, but the interactive statements leaned more on Skylar.

There was a time recorded of an incident about Liam, he said Sarah's boyfriend had grabbed his arm, to correct him on whatever had happened that day, leaving a small bruise to form.

Liam had mentioned this to Payton the day he came home, but never said there was physical contact.

On the other hand, it didn't seem to point any "agression" to Skylar, only something much worse.

The statement read:

Question to Skylar: "How does your Mother's boyfriend treat you?"

Her response was: "He scares me, even when I say no, he puts his hands on my legs, I don't like that."

There was more statements written, one where the assesor had asked Skylar to point out any places she may have been touched, but that once sentence made Payton feel sick to her stomach, she didn't want to read anymore of what could possibly be on there.

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