A Step To Discovery

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Narrator's POV


Chase found himself yet another night awake, staring out at the midnight skies as he sipped on a hot cup of coffee. He thought over the earlier events. There was much more to it than some silly ex boyfriend taking his chances.

He visibly noticed how Payton had tensed once he came near. It had gave him a bunch of questions of why she reacted the way she did.

He had no knowledge of her previous relationship, and had no right to meddle in but he couldn't help but feel strongly about the situation.

Why? He had no clue. Although the way Payton had tensed even before he came into sight, but by simply hearing his voice.

Before he could read into it, light footsteps had caught his attention, to which he turned in is seat to find a sleepy-faced Payton trailing in behind him.

"You couldn't sleep either?" She mumbled, rubbing the tiredness from her eyes by her fist as she grabbed a mug, filling it with cocoa powder and using the previously boiled yet still hot water to mix it. She took a seat across from Chase by the counter, leaning her head in her palm.

"Something like that." He mumbled back, taking a sip of his coffee. "You know, coffee wouldn't help." Payton chuckled softly, instantly making a smile on Chase's face.

She then passed her mug of cocoa to Chase to replace the coffee and made herself a new one. "Drink this."

"Can I ask you something?" He wanted to get to the bottom of what happened with Leo.

"What's your question?"

"What was that about earlier with Leo?" As soon as the name left his mouth, Payton tensed.

"Just an asshole ex. Nothing more to it." She scratched her palm, which Chase knew that it was something she did when she lied.

"So do I need to ask you again, or will you give me a proper answer to that question?"

Payton gulped, tears once again brimming her eyes. She didn't like direct questions, especially if it had something to do with Leo.

"He can be forward at times.. he's h-harmless." She started to pinch the skin between her thumb and index finger, making Chase pry her hands apart to hold them in his own. He attempted to ignore her flinch at his actions, but he wasn't about to let this stir on.

"Payton, not only as the carer of my children, but as my friend I care deeply about you and your wellbeing. I need to know if something is bothering you and if you're okay. And right now, I know that you're not."

His words just made her want to cry.

A sob, that she tried with all her might to stop, escaped her throat and a pair of arms were wrapped around her instantly.

"Talk to me, please. I don't like it when you're upset." Chase spoke in a hushed tone as he tried to console Payton.

"I don't want to bore you. Maybe I'm just over thinking everything. I tend to get this way if I'm tired." She forced a chuckle, breaking from his embrace, rubbing her eyes to clear the tears.

Chase gently grabbed her wrist to stop her. "You'll irritate your eyes if you do that, sweetheart." He took both his thumbs and carefully wiped under her eyes to rid the tears and tear stains from her cheeks.

"Look. I won't force you to tell me something you don't want to talk about. But outwith our profesionalism, I am your friend. And as your friend, if you need to talk to me, I'm here for you." She felt like she wanted to cry all over again.

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