Sarah Jones

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Narrators POV


As the days went on, it was nearing the weekend, which only meant one thing... Payton was finally going to meet the mother of the children she cared for.

Sarah Jones.

As Payton was feeding Skylar and Liam their lunches for the day which consisted of jam sandwiches, apple slices and a half a sugar donut each, the doorbell rang throughout the house, to which no longer than three seconds later, Chase had ran downstairs to greet whoever had arrived.

"Where are the kids?" Payton had peaked her head around the doorframe to see a woman around her size, small framed, no older than 35.

As she took more of a look, she noticed how ragged her hair looked, her nails probably more expensive than the clothes she had on and a bag that must've cost a down payment.

"Alright you two, let's get your shoes on. I think your mom is here." At the slight mention of the mother being in the household, Payton had noticed the tensing of Skylar's shoulders. Liam frowned and jumped off his seat to find his shoes and was already heading outside, whereas Skylar hadn't moved an inch from her seat.

"Sweetheart, did you hear me? Your mom is waiting for you!" Payton tried to speak in a cheerful tone to encourage Skylar but a drained look is all she was able to give.

"Please don't make me go." A small sniffle was heard and Payton was quick to lift the little girl into her arms.

She hushed and cooed sweet nothings into Skylar's ear to calm her as she walked out of the kitchen to gain Chase's attention.

"So this is the new.. Nanny?" A judgemental voice spoke up and just from that, Payton could understand why Skylar took a disliking to her mother.

That voice could kill an eardrum.

"That would be me. I'm Payton. It's nice to finally meet you Mrs Jones." She tried to sound polite, whilst keeping a protective grip around Skylar. She didn't want to let her go. But she knew that attempting to stop the visit wouldn't go too well without any explanation or proof.

Payton knew something was off... she just had to find out.

"We should get going. Come on Skylar." Payton let Skylar down off her hip and she immediately ran to hide behind her father's leg.

"Daddy, I don't wanna go." The fear in her voice couldn't be missed. Chase bent to pick her up and held her to his chest as he gradually walked out the door.

"You need to spend some time with your mom. Liam's already in the car, he'll be with you. And Mr Floofkins is packed in your bag. Daddy didn't forget this time." Chase smiled and kissed Skylar's cheek.

"Its only a few days, and when you're back, Daddy will take you and Liam out for double ice cream, how does that sound?"

Skylar looked defeated, and all Payton wanted to do was take the small child into her hold and never let her out of her sight again.

"Will Payton be there?" She asks through sniffles and they both turn their attention to Payton. "I'll be there sweetpea. I promise."

She holds up her pink to Skylar's to seal the promise which gained her a smile.

"A couple days and we'll have you straight back here. Don't worry." Payton mumbled to Skylar, and gave the little girl a tight hug before her father secured her into the childseat.

"You still be here when me and Liam get back?" Payton managed to get a view of Skylar over Chase's shoulder and smiled at her.

"Of course I will. I'll see you soon sweetie. And you make sure to behave Liam!" Payton laughs at Liam who just makes a funny face.

Once Chase said his 'see you laters', Sarah wasn't too short on putting her foot down and drifting away with the kids. Chase was none the wiser as he turned to Payton with a wide smile and clapped his hands.

"Now you have all weekend to yourself. Did you make any exciting plans?" They both picked up a conversation as they walked back into the house.

"I didn't think to make any. Been too focused on getting to know the kids more." Payton laughs as the enter the kitchen.

"I've noticed. They seem to really like you, especially Skylar. Which I didn't think would happen if I'm being honest."

Payton thought about his words, using it as a perfect moment for more information.

"What makes you say that?"

"Skylar has always been different to Liam. Twins, but complete opposites, who would've thought. Liam is this happy go lucky care free kid. Whereas Skylar... I don't know, she's different. I call her school frequently to get updates, but seemingly she's the most energetic kid there." He chuckles in disbelief.

As time was moving, and the behaviour from Skylar didn't change, if anything got worse, things began adding up.

It took one week for Payton to have an idea of what might be bothering Skylar, an idea she would never like to think off, but an idea nonetheless.

How the hell would I explain that to Chase? Payton thought.

The last thing Payton wanted to do was cause drama in the household or between the parents. It wasn't her place, nor was it any of her business. So she decided on what she thought was best and stay out of the equation.

I just need to encourage Skylar to talk to Chase. She thought again.

That was easier said than done.

"You've worked hard this week. And I just want to thank you for how amazing you have been with Liam and Skylar. They've took strong bonds to you within such short time. Which is a relief for me when I'm needed elsewhere." Chase smiles gratefully, and for the first time, Payton finally takes in the sharp features of the man stood in front of her.

How is he single?

Before her thoughts trailed anywhere else, she smiled back.

"There's no need. I'm just doing my job. I've been here a very short time and those kids have already stolen a big part of my heart. Truly, they're the ones who are amazing." She smiles at the thought of the two. "I will need to leave for a little while today. Gotta run back home and feed the cat." She explains as Chase nodded.

"Well if you need anything, I'll be upstairs in the office. Your key to the house was finally delivered. I thought if you'd be living here, you should have your own key. It's on the table just on the way out to the door." Chase points in the direction before saying his goodbyes to attend to some work.

Payton picked up the key and attached it to her own set of keys she had to her house and made her journey back home.

She thought after the long worry of the kids and the hectic first week she would call her friend over to catch up for the night.

She could definitely be using her girl time.

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