Hormones and Hersheys

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Narrator's POV


*A few months later...*
*5 months pregnant*

"None of these fucking clothes fit!"

Payton was currently in her third meltdown of the day.

The first occurred at 4AM this morning, because Chase had forgotten the oreos that was meant to go along with her peanut butter which he had forgotten to buy at the store, that Payton spent 25 minutes crying about.

The second occured around lunch because Snookie didn't wish to give her attention nor a cuddle, instead resorted to sitting in Chase's lap for an hour straight, in which case he also received a long string of profanities and was also being accused of turning Snookie against Payton.

Now, it was because the pair of jeans Payton had just bought less than three weeks ago, no longer was able to get past her mid thigh due to her small weight gain.

Seeing that her efforts weren't working to her success, she yanked off the pants from her leg and angrily scrunched them up in a ball in her hands before throwing them at the bedroom door.

In great timing, as the jeans were sent flying in mid air, they had managed to catch Chase in the face as he had entered the room, earning a pain filled groan as the button crossed against his cheek.

Payton jumped startled, not expecting his presence and guilt immediately filled her as tears burned her eyes.

"I-im so sorry. Did I hurt you? Oh my god i- I didn't mean to! I-" Chase gave her a soft smile and slowly approached her, cautious of his own movements in case anything set off her emotions again.

He had never seen so many emotion switches in a woman, or anyone for that matter up until meeting a pregnant Payton.

And it made him slightly worried sometimes.

"Darlin' it's okay. Come here." He held out his arms and it took no longer than 3 seconds for a sobbing, confused, and hungry Payton to waddle straight into his arms.

"I don't know what's happening anymore." She cried as she fisted her hand into Chase's no-longer-crinkle-free t-shirt.

He felt sorry for the poor woman in his arms, wanting nothing more to console her the way that she needed, but not even Payton herself knew the answer to that.

"You're just over-tired baby." He whispers, kissing the crown of her head as he rocks her on the spot, swaying side to side.

He then pulls back and guides Payton to sit on the bed, wordlessly going into their shared closet and picking out her favourite pair of sweatpants that he- sorry, they- owned and a pair of his thick-wooled socks before returning to her.

He knelt down onto his knees, smiling when he came to eye-level with her stomach, which was now a lot bigger.

He lifted her shirt over her stomach and pressed his lips to the skin above her belly button as he began pulling the socks over Payton's cold feet.

In that moment, he felt the happiest he had been all day. He yearned to be close to Payton all the time, but when she let him interact with her bump, she had no idea what it meant to him.

Sarah rarely allowed him anywhere near her when she was pregnant.

Even though he thought hormones were a factor, he took daily verbal and mental abuse from the woman.

Afterwards, almost every time, she'd be throwing herself into his arms, crying about how sorry she was and that it was because of the pregnancy, but Chase knew.

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