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Chase's POV


I couldn't believe it.

I was going to be a dad again.

And knowing I was able to experience such an amazing thing with a woman like Payton, made it all the merrier.

She was finally released from hospital the following night, and just to my luck, Ryan and Lola offered to babysit Liam and Skylar for the night until we got a chance to settle Payton back at home.

"Chase, I'm sure I can walk up some stairs perfectly fine on my own." Payton let out a giggle, as I swooped her up into my arms and carried her upstairs to our bedroom.

"Now what kind of husband would I be to let my wife do such thing?" I say in a teasing voice, watching as a scarlet red blush appeared over her cheeks.

"You won't let me live this down, will you?" She groaned in annoyance, burying her face against my shoulder. "Nope. Not a chance." I smirk, kissing her temple as I slowly and carefully open the bedroom door with my shoulder and carry Payton over to our bed.

During the time I was held in the waiting room before being allowed to see Payton in the hospital, she gave out a very strong demand to see me.

For the first hour, I wasn't allowed into the room as it was strictly immediate family only, but Payton was sure to let them know who I was and why I should be in there.

The memory still makes me chuckle.


" He needs to be here. I need Chase!"

"Ma'am, with all due respect, we need to keep it to limited immediate family only for-"

"He is immediate family. H-Hes my fucking husband for crying out loud! I swear if you don't let him in, I will sue the shit out of this damn hospital!"


I think the initial idea of waking up alone confused and in the hospital on her own had freaked her out a little bit. Even though it was a serious situation, those short few seconds made it a little lighter to handle.

I laid her down and removed her shoes before situating myself between her legs, resting my head against her stomach. "Do you think they can hear us?" Payton chuckled at my question, running her hand through my hair, calming me instantly.

One single touch from this woman was enough to drive me insane. She made me feel things that I couldn't even begin to explain. It was euphoric.

"Probably not for another month or two." There was a comfortable silence between us before Payton spoke up.

"How are you feeling?"

"I feel amazing. Being a dad and having a kid is the best thing a man could have. The feeling is something else of it's own. And I couldn't ask for a better woman to share such joy with." I was in a daze, occasionally kissing the small curve of Payton's belly.

"I was more so meaning about Sarah." Her tone sounded careful, like she was being wary of my reaction to her question. I sighed and rested my head on her stomach, my eyes closing as I took in her scent.

"It's not the best of scenario for anyone to be in. I know she is the Mother of my kids but she did this to herself. I can't forgive what she's done. My kids were in that car, anything could've happened to you." My voice trails off into a whisper, making me no longer trust myself to talk without my voice breaking.

I could've lost my family because of that woman. It's something unforgivable.

"I tried. Heck, we both did. When you first came here, you were the first to give her a chance. You know our past, you see how the kids are with her. And after today.. I can't go backwards. I will always care for her in a sense as the Mother to my children, but it takes more to earn the title of a Mom. You earned that, Payton."

I look up, our eyes connecting in a longing gaze. I see the tears brim her eyeline, it broke my heart every time to watch anything other than happy tears leave her.

A broken, half-smile is forced on my face as I move myself up to lay beside her. "Come here, darlin'." I open my arms to let her frail frame curl into, holding her tightly to my chest.

"This, right here. Is everything I will ever need. You and our three amazing kids. You complete me, Payton. If it wasn't for you, I don't know where my family would be right now." I mutter into her ear truthfully, kissing her hairline as my hand strokes over her shoulder.

"I'm glad I listened to Lola and took that job. I can't imagine being anywhere else but with you, and the twins." She whispers in a soft tone as her head turns to face me.

I softly run my thumb along her cheekbone, my heart races when I watch her nuzzle her face into the palm of my hand.

"And Snookie, we can't forget him." The seriousness in her voice was enough to draw a heart-filled laugh from my lungs.

"Of course, Angel. How could we ever forget about Snookie?" It was like we were talking through speakers, as if on cue, Snookie had emerged from the bottom of our bed and wriggled his way in between myself and Payton.

"I told you that cat was half human." I stated in an obvious tone, making Payton burst into laughter.

I couldn't help but stare as she laughed. The way her nose crinkled was as cute as ever, her expression in that moment was so care-free. I wanted every day to be as easy at that exact moment for her.

I'm sure there was plenty of moments before that had made me realise, but in this time, it was making me more sure than ever.

I was in love with this woman. In every way.

There was nothing about her that I would change. Not a single thing.

She made me feel like that little kid with his first crush. Everything I ever searched for, I had in my arms, right in front of me.

"Now what's going through that pretty head of yours?" Her sweet voice interupted my thoughts and I looked into her eyes once more.

"Just thinking about how much I love you." I simply shrug, watching as the blush on her cheeks rise again, chuckling as she playfully hit my arm.

"Ditto." She mumbled as my eyes fell down to her lips, taking a moment to sink into time before connecting our lips in a loving embrace.

I wanted this moment to last forever, imprinted in my memory to replay over and over again. I couldn't get enough of her. I don't think I ever could.

If I didn't know for sure before, I certainly do now.

I knew what I needed to do.

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