Miss Payton Adams

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Narrators POV


As sunrise came, Chase lay in his bed staring at the ceiling. His thoughts drifted every once in a while. And who was he thinking of?

None other than, Miss Payton Adams.

Althought the circumstances of the short embrace they shared wasn't what he wanted, he felt more comforted he had ever been compared to his previous marraige.

After those limited happy seconds dispared, the memory of what Payton told him returned, also refulling his anger.

Once I see that manipulating evil b-

Chase cornered off his thoughts. Although his anger was valid, he would always remember his Mother's words on how woman should be treated.

He could no longer lay without being restless, so dispite the time being 5:21AM, Chase dragged himself out of bed and descended downstairs to prepare a steaming mug of coffee.

Instead of just preparing a single cup, he filled the coffee pot, unsure if Payton would like one or not.

He looked at the clock, the bright green numbers displaying not only the time, but the date. It was a Wednesday, and also 1 hour away from his work day starting.

He sent a quick message to his assistant to cover his call meetings and reschedule his in-office meetings for the day, wanting to spend his day with Liam and Skylar.

Maybe I can get Skylar to open up about a few things. His thoughts rang out.

The zoo sounded like a good idea. They opened at 8AM. As Chase brought his laptop to the kitchen island to google the nearest zoo and schedule in a visit, echos of footsteps came from the hallway.

He gave a small smile once he saw Payton standing in the doorway, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"Good morning. I hope I didn't wake you." he whispered and grabbed another mug to fill with coffee, sliding it carefully over the counter to Payton.

"Not at all. Sky is normally awake at this time, but I guess we got through night number two without a nightmare." Although the tiredness was visible in her eyes, the smile on her face was genuine.

Chase couldn't help but smile at the nickname Payton has acustomed Skylar with.

"Thank you. For helping with Skylar. I know it can be rough and I apologise because I'm normally gone for work beforehand." Payton just shakes her head.

"No need to thank me, Chase. It's my job to take care of them." She responded and took a sip of her coffee, letting out a quiet moan at the taste.

She looked up for a moment, something registering in her head. "Why are you still here? Aren't you normally at work at this hour?" There was a few seconds silence and before Payton gave Chase time to respond, she was prefusely apologising.

"Oh god, I am so sorry. I didn't mean to come off sounding so rude, I-" Chase cut her off with a chuckle. "Payton, calm down, please." He couldn't help but laugh at her unessesary worry. "I took the day off to spend some time with the kids." Chase informed her and a frown flashed across her face, but quickly hiding it after.

"Right. I'll get out of your hair for the day. I should probably go home and check on things." Payton stood to sit her empty mug in the sink, making a mental note to clean it after and began making her exit from the kitchen.

"If you don't have anything planned... perhaps you would like to join the kids and I for the day? I was looking at zoo's nearby. I used to take them all the time before my company kicked off. I know I haven't had much time to spend with them lately and I need to make up for that. And the kids really like having you around."

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