When All Hell Breaks Loose

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Narrator's POV


Payton looked towards Chase, as did he to Payton.

"Are you expecting someone?" She asked and he shook his head in return, standing from his seat.

Payton made sure Snookie was baracaded in with the safety gate so that he wouldn't run out the door and peered her head around the corner.

As soon as Payton heard the voice of who had arrived, she immediately rolled her eyes.

She turned to the kids, seeing they had already devoured their breakfast and was sipping on their juices.

"How about we go outside and play on the swing set hm?" The kids nodded excitedly and jumped down from their seats, throwing on the nearby pair of shoes they had at the back door.

Payton opened the closet and luckily, two of their jackets hung up inside.

She grabbed them and made sure the kids were wrapped up before letting them go out into the garden.

She followed quickly and closed the door behind her.

"What are you doing here, Sarah? It was agreed by the court after the letter I sent, you are no longer allowed near us until you sort yourself out."

Chase's face turned sour, not wanting to have to deal with the worst of his nightmares today.

"I'm completely fine, Chase! I don't understand your reasons for keeping the kids away from their Mother!"

The smell of alcohol was enough to knock someone out, and Chase knew it wasn't coming from him.

"Take a look in the mirror and find out. Do you really want our children seeing you like this?" Chase kept his voice calm and collected.

Anything Chase does, he knew she would hold it against him in some way. She was that petty and manipulative.

"I haven't had a single drink today! You should be telling yourself that, you look like shit, and I highly doubt that's just your morning face." Sarah snapped and tried to barge her way through the door, in which she succeeded.

Don't hit her. Don't hit her. Don't hit her.

Chase's words echoed through his head. He had never in his life, lifted his hands to a woman, but in this very moment, the strongest urge welcomed him to do so.

"The kids don't want to see you, Sarah! You think I don't know what you've been doing?!" Rage overwhlemed Chase's body as his fists clenched in anger at his sides.

Sarah's face turned white, but she tried to play it off.

"Y-you have no idea what you're talking about." Her words were slurred slightly, as she shuffled from one foot to the other, trying to keep her balance.

"Kids!" Chase shouted and Payton cautiously took them back inside, each holding a tight grip on her hand.

As they walked back through and the kids realised who was at the door, the gripped onto Payton tighter, hiding behind her legs.

"Tell me why MY children do that every single time you come around?" Sarah was quick to come up with an excuse.

"They probably don't recognise me since you've decided to keep them away from their Mother for so long. How can you call yourself a Father?!"

She tried the oldest trick in the book, atttempting to gaslight Chase, but with the memory of Payton's words, he was quick to see through her lies.

He always doubted his parenting at the most of times, but thanks to Payton, he could finally see the true monster standing in front of him.

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