"I Couldn't Be More Sure."

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Narrator's POV


Although Chase and Payton had been trying to get the kids out their nap times during the day, they felt it was best to try another day after what had happened.

The tired looks on their faces made it not worth trying, how could they say no?

Thankfully neither of them took much convincing to go to sleep as when their head hit their pillows, both if them were out like a light.

Chase placed a kiss on Liam's head and tucked him into his sheets, as did Payton with Skylar.

Both of them made sure the curtains were drawn and their nightlights were switched on before quietly sneaking out and closing the door behind them.

Chase waved his hand in the direction of the stairs, silently gesturing for Payton to walk down them. Soon, they both reached the kitchen, Payton turned to Chase nervously.

"If this is about me, and you need me to leave, I'll do it with no questions asked, I apologise if- Payton." Chase chuckled shaking his head and sat down at the kitchen table, making Payton do the same.

"The last thing I would be doing here is firing you. It's atually quite the opposite." He cleared his throat, and Payton let out a sigh of relief.

"After everything that's happened the past few days, and well, since you became Liam and Skylar's nanny, you have done everything in your power to make sure my kids are safe. You have cared for them as if they were your own, and anyone could see how much you love them, as they do you."

The fact Chase had aknowledged her care for the children, made Payton's heart warm. What he said was true.

She cared and loved those children as if they were her own. She had grown used to being around them and loving them everyday, she dreaded the day where that would come to an end.

"I never thought after everything that happened with their mother, that I'd find someone that they would open up to or be so carefree with them. For that, I'm extremely grateful and can't express my gratitude enough."

As he finished his sentence, he laid his briefcase on the table, pulling out formal documents. It wasn't until they were in front of Payton, did she see what the papers were for.

"LEGAL GUARDIANSHIP" was printed in big bold letters, and when she read the statement, she held her hand over her heart, so many emotions flowing through her.

"C-Chase, are you sure about this?" On one hand, she was worried it was too soon, but on the other, she didn't have any hesitations.

"I couldn't be more sure." He mumbled and slowly pushed a pen across to her. "This is only if you wanted to. In no way, is there any pressure."

"What if I let them down? Or- or I screw this up? Or what if- Stop." Chase cut her off once again, grabbing her hand to soothe her nerves.

"You are not obligated to sign these right at this second, or ever, if you think it's too much. But something in my gut already tells me, you will be an amazing parent figure for my kids. I wouldn't ask anyone else." Chase smiled to ease the tension as Payton sat staring at the papers for a second.

"You'd never let them down. Not in the ways of what their mother already has." Chase sighed and looked down, Payton unable to not look at him with pity.

What's the worst that could happen?

Am I ready for this kind of responsibility?

Is he making the right choice to have me as their legal guardian?

Am I making the right choice if I sign?

All these questions echoed in Payton's head but then suddenly, she thought of the positives.

I can pick them up from school without trouble. I can remove them from situations if need be without trouble. If they needed my help, I could be there for them in more ways than one.

"Why me? Wouldn't one of your family be more suited to be their guardian?" She questioned and Chase simply shook his head.

"My parents live outside of town, they're only ever here once every month or so. Sarah's parent's never took the time of day for the kids, even when we were together, so they're already off the table."

"There is in no way any pressure for you to sign these. But you're literally the only person I trust with my kids." He smiled at her, which she reutrned.

Multiple pros won over the cons, so she shook off the nerves and grabbed the pen. "Where do I sign?"

Chase's smile grew and pulled his seat next to her, pointing out all the areas that Payton had to sign, noting out the small details that she needed to know.

She did the same for the second file, as one was for Skylar and one was for Liam.

"In a way, this can help you too. Not that I usually miss these kind of things, but for the likes of doctors and denist appointments, you can authorise their visits, pick up medication they may need, anything formal they'd usually need me for, you're able to step in for that, if you wanted to."

Payton couldn't help but smile at the idea. All she wanted was to make sure the kids were safe and had a good wellbeing.

"What happens now?" She asked as Chase stood up and put the files back in his briefcase.

"I take these to my lawyer, he get's them filed and processed then within the week, you'll get proof of guardianship through the door."

"Just like that?" She couldn't fight the smile off her face.

"Just like that."

She was going to be their guardian. Someone they could depend on. Someone to be there on very step of their journey.

And she didn't want it to be any other way.

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