Love Doubts And Fairy Tales

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Payton's POV


It had been a few days since the incident and since then, other than finding out Sarah was taken into custody, Chase had been acting different. Almost distance-like.

I was unsure what to think. He seemed happy when we found out the news of our baby, but.. was he having second thoughts? Did he not want this anymore? Maybe it was too soon.

He was coming home late, I had hardly heard from Ryan or Lola, which I found strange. Considering Lola and I spoke every day of the week.

Something settling at the pit of my stomach was telling me something was wrong, or maybe that was just cravings.. I couldn't tell the difference yet.

I rolled out of bed, feeling the need to pee for the fifth time in the hour. This was the only thing I wasn't pleased with about being pregnant.

My bladder was like a ticking time bomb with a five minute recall.

After I finished my business, I made it my mission to scope out the house in search for the twins, as I hadn't heard a peep out of them for the past hour.

I strolled down the hallway, checking their bedrooms and playrooms but to no veil, they weren't anywhere to be found. Continuing my journey downstairs, a loud bang achoed from the main door.

In fear of any of the twins being hurt or something breaking, I rushed as fast as I could downstairs to investigate but was met with Lola dragging in multiple bags carrying god knows what.

"Lola? What are you doing here?" She trailed over to the sofa and threw the bags down.

"Nice to see you too, bestie. What kind of greeting is that?" She scoffed and rubbed her hands together.

"You and I are having a girls day today." She smiled excitedly.

"Lols, I'm really not in the mood today, I think I'm just gonna lay and rest for a bit." I tried to make the excuse, trying not to give away the building tears as I thought about Chase. Where could he be?

"All the more reason to have a spa day boo. You don't have to lift a single finger. Just sit your pretty ass down and let me work my magic." She wasn't taking no for an answer.

"Have you or Ryan heard from Chase today? He left early this morning with the kids and didn't tell me." Her small smirk was gone as quick as it came, it made me question if it was just me seeing things.

"Nope. Maybe he's just took them out to give you a little break from everything. Now. Enough chit-chat." Lola puffed up the cushions and ushered me to sit down before pulling out face masks and her beauty bag.

Her answer was quick, almost rebotic like she had been trained to give that exact response, but I brushed it off and followed her command.

Within two hours, I had a facial treatment, a footspa, my hair all done into perfect curls and my face near battered and bruised by Lola's hard beauty blender. Nonetheless, I felt a little better since waking up this morning.

"Now, move your ass up those stairs and get a sundress on, you and I are going out for lunch. And I don't want any if's, no's or but's about it."

Without arguing, I knew it was best just to follow, she would never let me out of it even if I tried.

I carried myself back upstairs and picked out a knee-length, flower-lace, white sundress to put on and paired it with set of flat, white sandals.

Decending back downstairs, Lola let out a wolf-whistle making me chuckle.

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