When The Devil Raises Hell

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Narrator's POV


Chase and Payton's next few weeks, if not months, had went by as quietly as they could hope for. Although, that fact alone, had played on Payton's mind too much. It was too quiet for her liking.

It had been like Sarah had fallen off the face of the earth, and as much as Payton wished for nothing more to be true, she felt uneasy.

The kids had been at preschool, it was their last day before they parted for the final time. As the twins had reached the final year of preschool, it was their turn to climb another step in their education. Kindergarten.

Payton had been stuck in traffic on the way to pick Liam and Skylar up, after slapping the horn in frustration, she grabbed her phone and connected it to the car speaker, dialing Chase's number.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of this call from the most beautiful woman in the world?" As much as Payton hated to admit it, he made her cheeks blush a wildfire every time he gave her a compliment.

"I'm stuck in traffic, and I may or may not be a little later than usual to get the kids. Can you possibly pick them up or meet me there just in case?" Payton asked as she made a U-Turn to find another road to go down.

" 'course Sweetheart. I'm heading down to the car just now. Got off work early today. Guess who finally closed the deal with Darrel & Sons this morning?" Payton could already hear the smile in his voice.

"I knew it! Congratulations babe! I'm so proud of you! I bet the firm is estatic. We definitely need to celebrate!" Chase chuckled at her excitement, feeling a warmth spread over his chest as she expressed her proudness over him.

"Thank you Angel. Hearing that from you makes it even more worth it." He murmered, a smile creeping upon his lips.

"Stop, you're making me blush too much." Payton spoke in a giddy tone, hating but loving how easy it was for Chase to make her feel so giddy.

"I'll stop if you let me make those other pretty cheeks of yours the same color later tonight. You did say we could celebrate." His cocky tone made Payton roll her eyes yet clench her thighs together at the same time.

"You're an ass." Payton shot back, taking another turn to head back onto the main road, sighing in relief as she found the road with little to no traffic.

"An ass that you love." Chase teased her, as he took the same turn as Payton, smirking as he found himself behind Payton's car.

"Ehh. I mean it's not the worst ass I've seen during my time." Payton bit her tongue to refrain from laughing, as she looked in her rear view mirror, seeing the sour look on Chase's face.

"It's the best ass and you know it." Chase grumbled, slightly offended that she could've possibly had mentally compared his ass to someone else's.

"Now, how about a yes to that celebration later, hm?" Chase pushed, hearing a defeated sigh from Payton and fist pumped the air, parking his car in the parking lot before rushing out of his car towards Payton's so he could open her door.

"Such a gentleman." Payton stiffled a chuckle and pecked Chase's lips, a smile itching on the corner of his lips as he stole another.

"I can't get enough of you." He mumbles under his breath, but loud enough for Payton to hear, causing her cheeks to flush a rose pink for the tenth time today.

"Well now has to be enough for the meantime. We got 2 kids to claim back." Payton chuckled and parted from Chase's arms, walking hand-in-hand to the building to sign out Liam and Skylar.

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