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Chase's POV


"We want you both to understand that just because a big change will happen for all of us, doesn't mean Payton or I, will love you both any less, or treat you any different. You both understand that, right?"

I look between Liam and Skylar as they both turn to each other, giving each other which looked to be like an inner-mental conversation.

I swear twin-powers are a real life thing. It's crazy what these two are able to do and already know what the other is thinking.

Payton and I decided it was time to tell the kids about their sibling, as we felt like the longer we kept it from them, we thought it may have became somewhat difficult for them to adapt to the idea of a new member of the family joining in such short time.

Although 9 months doesn't seem like little time, I was surprised to hear about what others said about the timings of pregnancy online.

I did my research.

Even after already having two children now, there is still everything to learn about parenthood.

Every pregnancy is different.

"Does this mean I need to share my toys with Liam and the baby?" Skylar asks right off the bat making me sigh and making Payton chuckle.

"I think the baby will be a little too small to play with your toys to start with, Sweetheart." Payton clarifies.

"Can she sleep in my room?" Skylar asks again, earning a disgusted-like look from Liam.

"No, because it's going to be a boy. So it makes sense he sleeps in my room."

"I don't like boys. So it's going to a be a girl. Like me. Boys are icky." Skylar narrows her eyes at Liam, crossing her little arms over her chest.

"That's my girl. Boys are indeed icky." I smile and pull Skylar onto my lap before kissing her little chubby cheek.

It pains my heart every day to see my babies grow. I often wish I could just freeze time and keep them from growing anymore.

I look from the corner of my eye and see Liam cross his arms over his chest, rolling his eyes.

Payton gives me a soft smile before moving over next to Liam and wrapping her arms around him. Not long after, he gave in, embracing Payton with his small arms.

"If it's a girl, will you still love me?" I look to Liam in shock, confused to why he would ask such a question.

Before I could open my mouth to answer, Payton beat me to it as she lifted Liam into her lap, stroking the top of his head softly

"Now you listen to me, Mister. Nothing in this world will change how much your Dad and I love you. I promise you that. This is something to be excited about. You get to grow with your new sibling every day, show them the ropes. You never know, they might be as obsessed with Paw Patrol like you are." Payton pokes Liam's side, making him let out a small laugh.

She leaned down to kiss his head and was taken aback when Liam twisted his body to sit up onto his knees and hug Payton tightly.

I knew her hormones were acting up once I notice the small tear fall from her eye.

"I love you, buddy." She whispered, kissing his temple before leaning her cheek upon his head. "Love you toos, Payton."

I was took out of my trance when Skylar wriggled her way from my lap and climbed up beside Liam and Payton.

"What about me?" She pouted, trying to force her way under Payton's arm which was currently wrapped around Liam, but she found her attempt successful, curling into Payton's side.

"I guess that just leaves you and I, bud." I mumble to myself as Snookie jumps up into my lap, leaning his head into my hand for pats, which I gladly complied to.

I look back to Payton, seeing her teary-eyed smile made my heart both burst and break. I rest my palm on her leg, rubbing her knee comfortingly as I sent her a soft wink in reassurance.

"Alright you two, go play before we get dinner started." I announce and they both rush upstairs to the playroom, Snookie not short of following behind them.

I shift myself onto the sofa next to Payton and wrap my arm over her shoulder, drawing her to my chest. I didn't even say anything, I knew that all she needed was to be comforted in that moment.

As she drew into quiet sobs, I held her tightly in my arms, kissing her hairline as my hand drew soft slow circles over her back.

"I don't want them to think we love them any less because there's a baby on the way. How could they think that?"

Her words cackled between sobs as I just hushed her gently, pulling her face from my chest as I used my thumb to wipe her tear-stained cheeks.

"They don't know any better, Angel. But we know ourselves nothing will change, and we will make sure of it. Everything will play out perfectly fine. I promise, okay?"

I use my index finger to lift her chin, gently resting my forehead against hers, making our noses softly brush together.

She let's out a small 'okay' in a whisper, our lips connecting in a short kiss.

As my lips release from hers, I watch as her eyes slowly close. The tiredness on her face made me frown.

I softly smoothed the crease out between her eyebrows with my thumb and kissed the tip of her nose.

"Lay with me?" I mumble quietly and rest back on the arm of the sofa, coaxing her body to follow as she rested upon my chest.

I laid my hand on the small curve of her bump, it was barely visible but we could feel our child growing. Everyday.

"What about dinner?" I hear Payton ask as her breathing began to slow down, signalling she wasn't far from falling asleep.

"Don't worry about that. I'll fix something in an hour for you and the kids. Just rest, baby." I press my lips against her shoulder, tracing my fingers along her arm, with each passing moment I felt her body relax just that little more.

I rest my eyes, only to open them a few seconds later to find Snookie making himself comfortable behind my head.

More so on my head, but I didn't complain. Instead I lay there in silence as I took in my surroundings.

Hearing my children's laughter upstairs,

The faint occasional purr above my head from Snookie,

The soft breathing from Payton who lay comfortably on my chest,

The warmth on my hand from her stomach which held my growing unborn child,

Everything was how I wanted it to be.

Everything I could have ever wished for... was right in front of me.

I look down and smile when I see the shimering glare from the ring on Payton's finger.

I brought her hand to my lips and held her that much closer before letting my eyes take that well needed rest before caos started again.

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