"What Would I Do Without You, Hm?"

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Narrator's POV


Chase sat at the dining table as Payton quietly stirred both mugs which were filled to the brim with the milky brown liquid.

Adding two sugars in both mugs, she carefully slid them onto the kitchen table and sat on the chair in front of Chase.

"Chase.. you've barely said a word since we got home, are you feeling okay?" Payton asked like a concerned Mother and blew on her coffee to cool it down slightly before taking a slip.

"I just.. never realised how irrisponsible Sarah has always been with my kids. Fuck.. what would've happened if we didn't go after them when we did? My children wouldn't have been al... "

Chase interupted himself, his eyes brimming with tears as the simple thought of something happening to his children sent pains through his chest.

"You can't think like that. It doesn't matter now, what matters is that the best kids in the world are safe and healthy, sleeping up those stairs, out of harms way." Payton paused for a moment.

"I know this is upsetting, and I promise you it's taking everything in me not to shed tears, because I know they wont stop if they start..." Payton said, making Chase chuckle and smile a little.

"I feel like I've failed them as a Father." He muttered inwardly to his chest, regret and sorrow filling within him.

"Hey... none of that talk. You are an amazing Dad to those kids. Wether you hear it or not, know it or not, you have done the best job a man could ever do. You make sure food is on their tables, a roof over their heads, a warm bed to sleep in at night, and you give them the kind of love that no other person in this world could match."

Payton's words struck Chase's heart. Knowing someone aknowledged his efforts with his children, meant everything and more to him.

With a quiet 'thank you', Chase looked down at his hands, raking a few moments of silence between them. Payton began to notice the heavy bags and dark circles under Chase's eyes.

His cheekbones seemed a little more prominant compared to when Payton first started working in the household.

His hair was no longer swooped up on his head, laying in a perfect quiff like it always was. Instead, the loose strands hung against his forehead, covering the wrinkles that his eyebrows caused as they furrowed together.

His tie lay crooked to the side, his shirt was slightly crinkled, not perfectly straight like it had been this morning, thanks to Payton and the iron.

Chase looked up briefly, noticing Payton's staring and both gave a small smile.

They sat in a comfortable silence, and sipped their coffees as the listened to the rain battering softly against the windows, and the quiet gentle snoring that echoed through the halls from both Liam and Skylar.

"I'm gonna request a meeting with the kids' school tomorrow. I need to make sure their carer's list is updated with your name and that Sarah is off the list, plus you need to be re-enstated on their documents as Liam and Skylar's primary point of contact and care alongside me."

Payton opened her mouth to speak, Chase cut her off.

"And before you hit me with second chances and proving to be a good Mother bullshit, don't. I know you're trying to help my kids have their Mother in their lives and believe me, I aprreciate everything you do for us, but this has to be the end of the line. I can no longer risk my kids' safety."

Chase took a deep breath, feeling relieved he had got a little off his chest and Payton just gave him a lopsided smile.

"I was only going to ask if you would like me to go with you." Payton chuckled and sipped more of her coffee, making Chase blush in embarrasment.

"I-I'm sorry, I-" Chase stuttered and Payton waved her hand in dismissal.

"I would very much like you to come. Thank you for understanding and respecting my decision."

Another thing Sarah rarely done for me.

Thoughts echoed through Chase's head.

"What you think is best for your children, I will always respect. You're their father, you make the desicions to give them what's best and I make the decisions to spoil them with ice-cream once in a while. 50/50." Payton cheersed her mug off Chase's, making him laugh.

She liked the sound of his laugh.

"What would I do without you, hm?" Payton chuckled along, blushing slightly as she bit her lip mindlessly, before finishing her coffee.

Chase couldn't help but notice it.

The way her lower lip bounced back into perfect place, plump and oh so pink. He caught himself staring but quickly diverted his gaze before she could catch him.

"Probably be stuck ripping your hair out from the kids arguing all day."

She wasn't wrong.

"Eh, I suppose they aren't the worst bunch." Chase said jokingly and finished his coffee, taking his and Payton's mug to the sink after they both were empty.

Chase's phone buzzed in his pocket, viewing a text from the one and only, Ryan Watts.

Ry: Ur bitchass is out with me. Friday ngt. NO EXCUSES or I'm dragging u out w/ me on my back if I need 2.

Chase: U do remember I got 2 kids? R they taggin along 2 the strip club?

Ry: Ha. Funny. Straight up comedian, my guy. Course not :/ Get a babysitter. Or ask that hotass nanny you got ;)

Chase: Don't get any ideas, asshole. She gets weekends off considering she watches them all week.

Ry: Surely she won't mind ONE weekend. Cmon. Ask or I'll text her myself.

Chase: U dont even have her number bro.

Ry: 73422541913? Saved as "Pending Baby Mama"? ;)-

Chase: Fuck u bro. Don't even think bout it.

Just Ryan simply saying he had Payton's number was one way to piss him off.

'Saved as "Pending Baby Mama"? Over my dead body.' He thought to himself.

Ry: So do I gotta text her and ask for ur bitchass to get some freedom or u gon do it?

Chase: I'll let u know.

Ry: Pussay.

Chase rolled his eyes, and put his phone back in his pocket.

"Something wrong?" Payton asked, concerened of the annoyed expression that had fallen onto Chase's face.

"More like someone. Ryan wants to meet up this weekend for a few drinks."

Before Chase could go any further, Payton jumped in.

"Text back and tell him you're going."

Chase raised his eyebrow. "Telling your boss what to do now, hm?" Chase grinned, happy that Payton was comfortable around him.

"We're way passed that stage, Captain Obvious. I'll watch the kids. I don't have any plans this weekend so it would be fine. Plus, I offered, you didn't ask so there's no excuse for you to say no."

Chase scowled at Payton's theory and huffed in defeat.

"Fine, but I'm doubling your paycheck this month for overtime. And I dont want any complaining about it."

Payton hated that her salary was as high as it was. Of course she was extremely thankful, but Chase tended to overpay Payton once very so often, thinking she wouldn't notice, but oh boy, how wrong was he.

"That money will just be used for takeout and cookies for the kids and I." Payton stuck her tongue out at Chase playfully, making him smile widely and shake his head.

Within split seconds, Chase was feeling exceptionally better.

And once again, he had Payton to thank for that.

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