"Tell Me What's Bothering You."

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Payton's POV


Monday couldn't come quick enough. I missed Liam and Skylar.

Sure, time to myself and a catch up with Lola was great, but I couldn't wait to see the kids again.

Chase had already left for work, luckily I caught him just in time for him leaving. He said to tell the kids we would have a movie night for them, I'm sure that would lighten their spirits when they got home.

My foot tapped impatiently as I stood watching from the window but soon the old beat down silver volvo pulled up out front.

It didn't take me any longer than 5 seconds to have the door pulled open and to run for the kids.

"Where's Chase? He's supposed to be here for the kids." The abnoxious voice from Sarah snapped and I narrowed my eyes at her.

"He's at his meetings, and he asked me to come early to be here for the kids. Thanks for dropping them off." I grabbed their bags and unclipped their seats for them to jump out.

"Don't I get a hug goodbye?" She bent slightly as Skylar was getting out of the car but she ducked through Sarah's arms and ran over to me, Liam already running inside the house.

"Well..." she cleared her throat and gritted her teeth together, "I guess I should be going then." I noticed the look Sarah gave to Skylar and I picked her up into my arms, walking back to the house.

"Hi sweetheart. I missed you so much." I squeezed my arms gently around her frame. "How was your time at your mom's? Did you have fun?" I asked as I closed the door behind me.

"I don't like going there. Mommy is mean." My eyebrows furrow together and I readjust Skylar on my hip before walking to the kitchen. "Can you tell me what happened at Mommy's?" I ask in a gentle tone, in hopes she would give me some sort of information.

"She makes me sit in corner. I be good thoughs. And she shout very loud. I don't know why she shout at me." A small pout forms on her lips. "She nice to Liam, not me. I no know why's mommy no like me." Her head curls into her chest and a small sniffle is heard.

"Oh sweetie. Shh." I wrap my arms under her bottom to keep her up and sway gently from side to side. "I'm sure that's not true." I hush her softly. "Then why is mommy mean to me an not Liam?" More sniffles are heard before I felt a form of wetness against my shoulder.

"I don't have an answer sweetpea. But you're safe now, you've got the whole week back here. And you get to pick the first thing we do. Will that cheer you up?" I frown at how upset Skylar had become. How in the world do I put this into words and tell Chase?

Skylar nods into my neck as her small fist comes up to rub the sleepiness from her eyes. I look at the clock and realise it was two hours past their usual nap time.

"Did you or Liam have a nap before you guys came back home?" I ask as I walk upstairs to check on Liam. "Mommy said naps are for babies. And we're not babies anymore." Skylar spoke between yawns and every word she said made me want to punch Sarah in the throat even more.

These kids had routine. A timed schedule they were used to and meant to follow everyday to help them with their night sleep.

I can't believe this woman.

"How about I go get your brother and us three can watch The Little Mermaid in the movie room, does that sound like a good idea?" For the first time since she got back, a smile grew on Skylar's face and she nodded.

I call on Liam and he runs out of his room with his special blanket in hand. I smile as he jumps onto the beanbag in the movie room and follow behind him with Skylar.

There was multiple beanbags everywhere, 2 large lovesacs and a big childproofed glass table filled with many juices and snacks.

Grabbing the remote, I flick through the Disney movie tab before The Little Mermaid movie had popped up and pressed play. I sat Liam into one of the beanbags and tried to sit Skylar into the one next to him but she insisted on sharing one with me.

I chuckle and sit Skylar on my lap, throwing the blanket over us both. I quickly check on Liam to make sure he was settled and had a snack in hand before I relaxed into the beanbag and opened a pack of m&ms.

Before I knew it, we were thirty minutes in, and all three of us were out cold.


Chase's POV

I thanked my driver for dropping me home and grabbed my briefcase before exiting the vehicle.

I was half preparing myself to walk into a hyper household but when I had walked in and was greeted with pure silence, I fell confused.

As I walked I'm further down the hall, I started to hear the crab theme tune from The Little Mermaid. I laugh to myself and tiptoe inside the movie room.

I was about to get ready to do my imfamous dad scare on the kids but when I popped up, I quickly closed my mouth, not only realising the kids were knocked out, but also Payton was fast asleep too.

I look to the heating dial and turn it up slightly before pulling out one of the larger blankets from the storage boxes I had installed and tiptoed down the steps towards them.

Gently pulling Liams beanbag closer to the centre, I drap the blanket across all three of them.

I lean to kiss the top of Liam's head, and Skylar's but the slight movement caused Payton to stir and hold Skylar closer to her. Not that Skylar seemed to mind by the way her small fists gripped onto Payton's t-shirt.

It amazed me how quick Skylar was able to adjust to Payton being around. They were inseparable at this point. Which is something I had never expected to happen within a week, never mind months.

Noticing how the movie had just ended, I assumed they hadn't long nodded off. So I switched the screen off and scooped Liam up into my arms before carrying him along the hall to his bedroom.

I made sure he was securely tucked in and his nightlight was on before I closed the door, heading back to get Skylar.

The second I reached out to pick Skylar up off Payton, a hand shooted out and grabbed my wrist tightly.

"Oh.. sorry. I didn't realise you were home." Payton had woken, looking around the room as she came back to her senses.

She quickly released my wrist and I looked at her confused. "Are you alright? You look a bit flushed." I asked concerned and she just shook her head, gently passing Skylar into my arms.

"Just a bit of a weird dream. I'll put the kettle on yeah? You must've had a long day." Her response was short and she wasted no time in leaving the room.

I shook off her weird actions and carried Skylar to her bedroom. After tucking her in and switching her night light on, I return to Payton in the kitchen.

Something wasn't right.

"Tell me what's bothering you."

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