Birthday Disasters

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Narrator's POV


After a rough few hours with Chase, he finally fell into a deep sleep, which Payton took the signal to let him rest and head back downstairs to set up the twins' birthday party.

She knew Chase had worked most of the day in his office, so she took it upon herself to set up the decorations before Ryan returned with Liam and Skylar.

Lola had arrived half an hour later with the cake and pre-set balloons and helped Payton set out the food for the guests. So far it would be Payton, Chase, Ryan, Lola, Chase's parents- Matthew and Jessica, and a few kids from Liam and Skylar's preschool class.

Although Payton had nerves about the whole party planning, she was also nervous about another thing. She was finally meeting Chase's parents for the first time.

As Payton sat with the kids on the grass, Skylar perched in her lap happily eating a chocolate muffin, and Liam was running around with his friends, shooting water pistols at each other.

Payton felt happy that the party had came together really well, there was just one person missing.


Even after everyone had arrived, Payton couldn't find the heart in her to wake him up, inwardly thanking herelf that she had set up the party in the garden so the noise wouldn't distrupt Chase.

Some of the parents dropped off their kids to stay for a few hours while the others had stayed, which Payton was happy about. It felt refreshing to her to have an a adult conversation, as most of her time was with the kids.

She spent an hour outside, playing with the kids on the bounce house she had rented out for the day, smiling every time she heard Liam or Skylar laugh. She was glad to see them so happy. Not to mention their faces when they saw their themes for the party.

Chase had also played a surpise for them, having the Chase mascot from Paw Patrol and Cinderella show up. Skylar screamed as soon as she saw Cinderella, running up to hug her.

Payton found her facial expressions hilarious when Skylar realised they were wearing the same dress.

She made sure to snap a few pictures of them with the mascots and on the bounce house to show Chase later. Speaking of the devil..

"Daddy!" A scream from Skylar caught Payton's attention, noticing Chase had woke up and had gotten dressed to join the party.

"Hey Princess!" Chase smiled as she scooped up Skylar into his arms as she ran to him, kissing her little cheek.

"Are you having fun?" He asked with a smile as she bounced excitedly in his arms.

"This is da bestest party everrrr! And Cinderella made it! Look Daddy!!" Skylar squealed as she pointed to Cinderella who smiled and gave them a curtosy wave.

Liam noticed Chase's presence and ran to his Father, hugging his leg.

"Hey little man. You having fun?" He chuckled and bent to pick Liam up onto his other arm and looked around for Payton.

"Chase is here Dad!" His little shocked face made Chase chuckle and kiss his little head. "I'm glad you both are having fun. Where's Payton at?" He asked, more to himself but followed the direction of both their pointed fingers.

Payton was busy plating up a mixture of the foods for the guests and set them out on the wide table Chase had helped put up earlier in the day.

"I hungry, Daddy." Skylar patted Chase's arm to get his attention.

"Let's get some food in those bellies, hm?" He chuckled as he tickled Liam and Skylar's sides, making them laugh.

He set them down, watching as they ran towards Payton and hugged her legs.

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