Macho Woman

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Narrator's POV


Whilst the kids sat confused in the middle of a diner, with an ice cream cone in hand and staring at a big, tall, bald, but bearded man, Chase and Payton were zooming through the streets like they were filming Fast And Furious.

"Payton, i'd like to get my kids back and be alive- shut up!" Payton shouted, putting her foot down harder on the gaspedal.

"Okay y-you got it." Chase slumped back in his seat, trying not to make any sudden movements that would piss Payton off.

"I don't doubt that Chase and that stupid whore is on there way, so we need to move." Sarah had walked up to the table and fixed on her leather coat, before walking out the diner, letting the bell ring as the door hit it.

"I guess I'll get the kids." The bald bearded man huffed an stood to his feet, his 6'7 frame towering over the children.

"Let's move it." Whilst Liam sat visibily shaking in fear, Sklyar continued to eat her ice-cream.

"I'm not finished." Her little legs swung back an forth as she ate, whereas Liam immediately moved, in fear that the strange man would do something.

"Listen here, little lady. I told you to move- fuck!" Skylar had now finished her ice-cream and jumped off the booth seat, making sure her little (but very impactful) heel stabbed into the man's toe.

"Now I'm done! Let's go Liam!" Skylar's hand grabbed onto Liam's and dragged him out the diner, skipping away.

Although, the bodyguard had followed closely behind, he did take a split second to check his phone, giving Liam the idea to run.

Without saying anything, Liam tightened his grip on Skylar's hand and made a run for it.

They both ducked under the bushes and ran across the playpark that was next to the diner and bolted over the small hills.

Sarah finished up her phone call and made her way back inside the diner, but was greeted with confusion when no children were in sight.

"Where do we go now, you fudgehead?!" Skylar huffed when herself and Liam realised they were lost.

"Mac? Where the hell are they?!" She shouted at the big beared man who was still sitting holding his foot of the earlier assults.

"They escaped!" Sarah rolled her eyes and smacked his head. "How hard is it to keep your eyes on a couple kids?!"

"Take a left here." Chase pointed his finger, mentally ticking off every and any place possible that Sarah could've been.

Every road so far just lead to another and closed previous suspicions. "The fucking diner, why didn't I think of that sooner?!" Payton grew impatient and snapped.

"What fucking diner?!" She huffed, stepping her foot harder on the gas.

"The one on 6th street!"

Without thinking about her surroundings, she halted the car and made a sharp U-turn, making the traffic come to a dead stop.

"Couldn't you have told me that 8 seconds ago?!"

Chase kept a tight grip on the safety handle and the midrest of the car, inwardly praying they'd make it there in one piece.

Just as they had pulled up to the diner, they had caught sight of Sarah and a big bald bearded man searching frantically around the area.

"Ima kill her." Payton got ready to exit the vehicle and charge up until Chase grabbed her arm.

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