"Seems Like Mr Johnson Cares An Awful Lot About You"

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Payton's POV


"Come on! We're going to be late!" I shouted upstairs to the kids as Chase was rushing downstairs with a briefcase and documents in hand.

I couldn't help but notice the squinted tie and the top botton of his shirt being undone.

"Shit. I'm not going to beat traffic today!" Chase cursed under his breath, but children super hearing was apparently a thing.

"Dad! Swear jar!" Liam yelled from the top of the stairs as he threw his backpack over his shoulder.

"I'll drive the kids to school today. Just you go before you're even more late." I muttered, mindlessly fixing the button on Chase's shirt, sorting his tie in the process.

Although my eyes could have been deceiving me, I saw what looked like a faint smirk play on the corner of his lips, in which I returned.

"I'll put a penny in later. Get your butt in the car! Have a good day, buddy, I love you!" Chase yelled to Liam, gaining a faint shout of 'I love you' back, patting his head as he ran past and outside to my car.

"Skylar! We're late! What are you-" Chase and I stopped in our tracks, coming to face with the small four year old girl, wearing an Elsa dress with bright red lipstick and heavy pink blushed circles on her cheek.

"Oh boy." Chase sighed and checked his words, cursing again, gaining a light smack on the shoulder from me.

"Swear jar. Go before you're more than just late. I'll fix this in the car." Chase just chuckled and wished Skyar and I a good day before he left.

"Okay sweetpea. In the car." I picked Skylar up onto my hip, rushing to the car and strapped her in securely.

I took one look at her rosy cheeks and shook my head, unabe to hide my smile. Jumping into the driver's seat, I strapped myself in and started up the car, fishing my hand in the glove compartmemt for some wipes.

"Here sweetpea, use this to wipe your cheeks." Skylar pouted at the fact she had to remove her makeup, but nonetheless, rubbed off the red pigment, which unfortunately had stained her cheeks a little.

"Did I get it all?" I looked in the rearview mirror, noticing she had managed to remove some of the makeup but not nearly all.

"I'll help!" Liam shouted and leaned over to Skylar, grabbing the wipe and rubbing gentle circles on Skylar's cheek.

I smiled at them both and soon enough, we were parked in the school parking lot. I hopped out the car, and unbuckled both the kids, walking them upto the gates.

I wrapped Skylar's scarf more snug around her neck and tucked the excess into her coat before doing the same with Liam.

I crouched down and scanned over Skylar's face to make sure all the makeup was removed before standing up.

"You both have a good day at school! I'll be back to pick you up." I told them and kissed both their cheeks.

"Can we get ice-cream later?!" Liam shouted at the top of his lungs, making Skylar do the same. I chuckle and usher them gently towards the school.

"Only if you don't tell Dad. Now go!" I laugh wholeheartedly and wave them goodbye.

"Go have fun. I'll see you soon!" I shouted after the kids as they ran in behind their classmates.

"We love yous!" They both shouted as they waved their little hands in the air, soon disapearing in amongst the other children.

"Right back atcha, kiddos." I mumbled with a smile and made my way back to the car.

It was true. I loved those kids like they were my own. Even though it's only been a couple of weeks of being their nanny, I couldn't see a life without the little rascals anymore.

I waited until they disappeared into the building before returning to my car, the smile on my face beginning to make my cheeks hurt.

I decide on the drive home to pick up a few grocery items and a few goodies for the kids after dinner and drive back home.

I brought all the bags inside and put all the items away in their asorted places, decidng to make spaghetti in the slow cooker for dinner.

I mix all the ingredients and a few herbs, double checking the allergen information that Chase had left about the kids to make sure I didn't use anything that could cause an allergic reaction for anyone.

Once that was finished, I made a start on cleaning the kids playroom. They had left it a mess from the day before so I used the following 30 minutes to tidy it up.

During my cleaning my phone buzzed, revealing the face of Lola on the screen. I swiped the call to answer and set up the phone on the desk so she could see me.

"Waddup hoe." She said casually, shoving a handful of chips into her mouth. "To what do I owe the pleasure of your call, jackass?" I responded, throwing the stuffed animals into one of many storage boxes.

"Can't I call a side bitch without questions nowadays?" She scoffed as if I offended her, before letting a loud burp rip.

"Hey.. I'm your only side bitch." I pointed my finger and we both laughed.

"So give me an update. Is Mr Johnson a beast in bed like all his fan blogs say he is?" I almost choked on my own saliva.

"You do know he's my boss right? The guy who pays me every month?" I stare at her through the phone as she just smiles.

"Money and orgasms, what more can a girl dream for?"

I rolled my eyes. "Remind me why I'm friends with you again?" She laughs and shrugs her shoulders. "Because no one else can tolerate our asses."

"True." She wasn't wrong.

I placed the last of the toys into the baskets and sat down in front of the phone.

"Have you heard from the planet's asshole yet?" She asked, talking about Leo.

"Not since Chase knocked him out in the zoo parking lot." I still haven't updated her on that.

"When the fuck was this?! Details now!"

Drama excited this girl, it was seriously concerning.

"We took the kids to the zoo since Chase had a day off. He somehow happened to be nearby and caught us together. He was drunk, not to state the obvious and approached, accusing me of sleeping around with Chase... he brought up my mother." A lump began forming in my throat at the recalled memory.

"I'm gonna kill that asshole!" Lola raged, her hands curling into fists.

"No need Lola. Besides, I'm pretty sure he's still sporting a broken nose." I lightly chuckle, thankful that Chase was there at that moment.

"Seems like Mr Johnson cares an awful lot about you if he's willing to throw a punch for you." I couldn't help but smile at Lola's words.


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