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Narrator's POV


Payton groaned as her back slammed against the concrete of the wall behind her, a pair of lips attacking her neck in the most unholy way.

They both snuck out to the outhouse behind Chase's home, their hands desperately gripping onto each other as they stumbled inside.

"I don't know what kind of drug you are, but you've got me fucking addicted." Chase growled as he sucked on the nape of her neck, his hands gripping her waist to forcefully pull her body against him.

His words along with his rough touch drove Payton into a state of bliss, her whimpers made music to Chase's ears.

"I-inside." Payton managed to choke out before she was ripped from the wall and hoisted into Chase's muscular arms.

Their lips met in a fight for dominance, although Payton quickly lost that fight as she let Chase take the lead.

His feet blindly stumbled over to the sofa, dropping Payton onto her back before falling over her, digging his knee between her thighs as he kissed her once more.

Her hands fought to remove his shirt, needily roaming under his shirt to feel his hot flushed skin against hers.

"You are absolute perfection, Payton Adams." He mumbed, trailing hot kisses against her flesh, making a trail from her neck to above her breasts, gently nibbling at the soft skin.

Her blushing cheeks only grew hotter, as her breathing deepened, she felt a heat spread between her legs, the lacy fabric sticking to her innermost parts.

He was taking his time, savouring her flavours like it was his favourite ice-cream, but Payton quickly grew impatient.

Chase smirked as he caught her grinding her soaked mound against his thigh and tutted. His calloused hand reached up and gripped her throat, using his free hand to pull her left leg over the back of the sofa.

"What do we have here, hm?"

Payton's cheeks grew a deep shade of red, which she tried to hide behind her shaking hands, but to no vail, Chase slowly pulled them away.

"You don't ever need to hide from me, sweet girl." Their eyes met, lust swimming between them.

"This stops on your say so. I don't want you to be uncomfortable." Chase had a sincereity to his voice, making Payton melt inside.

"I- I don't want you to stop." She whispered, shaking her head lightly as her teeth sunk into her bottom lip. Chase almost groaned at the sight.

"I wonder how long your poor panties have been in this condition." He mumbled, failing to hide his smile as he ran his index finger over the outline of her puffy lips.

The simple movement was enough for Payton to buck her hips into his inviting touch.

"Pateince, Angel. We have all night. I'll give you what you need very soon. I promise."

He placed a chasted kiss upon her lips before slowly guiding her dress above her hips, letting his finger trace light circles over her clothed clit.

His touch was accelerating but not nearly enough to give her what she desired most.

His hands guided her dress over her head, making sure he trailed his fingers along her sides, making goosebumps appear.

He smirked at the affect he had on Payton, but little did she know, she made him 10x crazier.

His mouth gaped at the sight of her body. It was everything he ever imagined and more.

Soon, she was laid out on full display, her hair sprawled out around her face, almost like a halo.

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