Fuck You, Hormones.

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Payton's POV


Fuck my life.

I rushed out to my car, breathing heavily as I took a minute to collect myself

What the fuck just happened?

I squeezed my legs together, the familiar ache settling between them.

Kids! Fuck, no time for daydreaming of your boss!

I shook off my thoughts and reversed out of the parking lot, zooming along the streets to the kids' school in record time. 3 minutes to spare

3 minutes you could've had with that hunk of a boss of yours.

"Fuck off." I cursed my conscience and parked up the car, making my way to the school gates to get Liam and Skylar.

Once I saw their faces, a smile spread across mine. I bent my knees and once they noticed me, they ran straight into my arms.

I hugged them closely and kissed their little cheeks.

"Payton!" They both screamed as the clashed into me, their tiny arms wrapping around my neck.

"We missed yous!" My smile only got bigger.

"I missed you lots more! How was school today?" I asked as I stood up and took one of their hands, walking back to the car lot.

"Boringggg. We had to do lots and lots of spelling and reading AND they gave us homework." Liam huffed like he was given a life sentence making me chuckle.

"We'll be getting right on that after dinner, young man." I looked down to Skylar and ran my fingers through her curly hair.

"Did you have fun at school, princess?" I asked as she gave a wide toothy grin.

One of her teeth had fallen out this morning, so our plan tonight was to put it under her pillow for the toothfairy.

"I made a picture for yous and Daddy!" She squealed excitedly. I smile and help both of them into the car, making sure they were both secured with the safety belts.

"We can show Daddy when he's home. Then we'll put it on the fridge with the others, sound good?" Skylar nodded quickly and grabbed her doll from her backpack.

I got into the drivers seat once again and began the noraml route home.

Just like always we sang every theme tune of the latest tv shows the kids have watched this week and before we knew it, we had arrived back home.

Unexpectedly, Chase's car was already parked in the driveway.

He wasn't meant to be home until 6!

I tried to calm my nerves and entered the house after the kids.

"Daddy!" Both Liam and Skylar exclaimed, running to Chase and hugged his legs.

"There's my little monsters! How was school today?" He asked them as he picked Skylar up onto his hip, kissing her cheek as he gave Liam a high five.

The kids filled him in with the things they told me and I carried their backpacks and shoes to the closet.

"You're home early." I pointed out the obvious and he just sent a small smirk my way.

"I thought I'd come home early today, let the kids get a few hours in the playpark before dinner." I just nodded in response.

"How does pizza sound?" I asked and the kids cheered.

"Go get changed and Daddy will take you out." Chase said as the kids ran upstairs with their backpacks and changed out their uniforms.

"Not before you get that homework done!" I yell after them, hearing whines in response.

"Are you tagging along?" Chase asked and leaned against the counter.

"I have dinner to make." I mumble, keeping my eyes away from him.

I felt a burning gaze directly at my ass and rolled my eyes, secretly catching him out. I kept my mouth shut, attempting not to blush and walk to the stove.

I unpack the pizzas and set them in the oven, not realising I had turned the stove on too.

As I leant up, my hand tapped the glass, the burning sensation running across my palm.

"Fuck!" I yelped, holding my hand near to my chest.

"Shit, are you alright? Let me see." Chase said concerned, grabbing my wrsit to inspect my hand.

I don't know what burned more, the stove or his touch on my arm.

He guided me to the sink and ran cold water from the tap, instructing me to hold my hand under the water for a few minutes.

He moved to turn the stove off and grab the first aid kit from the kitchen.

He grabbed the cooling cream from the kit and gently dried my hand before grabbing my wrist once again, rubbing the cream in slow circles onto the burn.

"You need to be careful, silly." He muttered playfully.

"Forget the pizzas. I'll order one in." He took some bandage wrap and began wrapping it around my hand, securing it tight with a safety pin.

I watched him carefully as he secured it in place, before bringing it up to his face, laying a soft kiss to my covered palm.

"T-Thank you." I mumbled quietly, the blush refusing to leave my face.

"You're most welcome, sweetheart." He mumbled back in the low toned voice of his.

If I didn't have a voice kink before... I definitely do now.

Our eyes met for the millionth time today, and if it wasn't for the kids excitedly running back downstairs, I would have made my favourite dream into a reality.

"Be back soon." Chase smiled and walked out with the kids, finally letting me release a big breath.

Fuck you, hormones.


Chase's POV


How I live to tease that woman, although I have been wishing for more ways than one.

I parked up next to the playpark and let the kids wander off, taking a seat on the bench, making sure they were still within my eye sight before I pulled out my phone.

My thumb scrolled along the screen, searching through my contacts until I reached "L".

I pressed on the contact and listened for the ringing.

"Unless your Payton Adams or my lawyer, fuck off."


"Do you accept phone calls from Payton's boss?" I ask, hearing her clear her throat.

"Mr Johnson, to what do I owe the non-pleasure of this call?" I chuckle.

"I don't suppose you'd do a favour for a non-friend, would you?" I looked over to the kids, seeing them on the swings waving with the biggest smile on their faces.

I wave back, watching as they climb the frame to go on the slide.

"Lay it on me, my guy."

"How are you with kids?"

"Isn't this an offer you should be giving Payton?" I roll my eyes.

Why are woman so difficult?

"That is in the works. Can you babysit for a couple hours?" She hummed in response.

"What's in it for me?"

"I'll give you and Payton a girls day out, to my expense next weekend." to which Lola responded,

"Throw in a tub of Ben and Jerry's cookie dough and you've got yourself a deal."

"Great, send me an address and I'll drop them off." I cut the call.

If Payton trusted her with half the things she's told me, then I could trust her with the kids.

Payton... you better be ready.

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