Crossed Communications

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Chase's POV


I knew I fucked up by a long shot, and trust me I've felt like the world's biggest piece of shit.

It's been three days and yet, Payton hasn't spoken a word to me. I don't blame her. In fact, if I was in her position, I probably wouldn't talk to me either.

I haven't touched a single drop of alcohol since.

Ryan had a good few face-slapping words with me after I told him about what happened, I deserved it.

I thought to take a day off work and make breakfast this morning for everyone. It doesn't erase my mistake but it's a step in the right direction, is it not?

Honestly I barely slept a wink last night, the fear on Skylar's face burned into my memory.

My intention was never letting the kids become scared of their Father. I just hope when she wakes up, I can fix it.

I decided on a full English breakfast. I made sausages, eggs, bacon, hash browns, beans and toast and set it all out on a platter.

I didn't know what foods Payton liked or disliked so to save the trouble of her not eating whats on her place, I gave her the option.

I made the kids' toast into soldiers, knowing that's how they liked it and sorted their plates.

I suddenly hear footsteps upstairs and two groaning children. "Time to get those pearly whites brushed and changed, we'll be late for school!"

"Paytoooon, I'm siiiiick." I hear Liam stiffle a cough, making me worry, but the unlikely sneeze sounding like "achoo" settled my worry quickly.

"I'm not falling for it this time, buddy. Get your butt dressed, we leave in 10 minutes!" Payton shouted and walked downstairs with Skylar a few steps in front of her.

She was hunched over as she followed Skylar, a hair tie between her teeth as she tried to walk and comb Skylar's hair at the same time.

"I sick too! Look!" Skylar mustered up the loughest cough she could create, causing Payton to smile and roll her eyes.

"I guess we should get that medicine you love so much, hm?" She suggested, making Skylar's eyes widened.

"Yous know... I feel lots better! Dat may be the weather." I swear this little girl will be a comedian one day.

"Let's get you brea-" Payton walked into the kitchen pausing as she saw the food already made and laid out.

"Daddy here!" Skylar exclaimed in surprise and ran up to me.

Finally holding my daughter in my arms after a long couple days felt like the most relieving thing in the world.

"Good morning baby girl. Did you sleep well?" I smile and kiss her little chubby cheek as she nodded.

"Soldiers!" She jumped in my arms excitedly and I sat her on the dining chair, pouring her a cup of juice.

"Liam! Beakfast!" Payton shouted and sorted the kids' bookbags.

"Would you like a plate, Payton?" I ask kindly, just wanting her to talk to me. To hear her voice.

"No thank you." She mumbled, not even looking at me once. I nodded and tried to ignore the stinging pain in my heart.

I click my tongue and clench my teeth together. This has gone on too long. So she wants to play the long game? Let's play.

"Very well. I will be working from home. So I will be able to pick the kids up from school today. Your services won't be needed until further notice."

This was probably going to come back and bite me in the ass, but if she wants to act like I'm not trying to fix this, then the asshole she expects, she will get.

"Duly noted, Mr Johnson. I'll be heading out to get groceries for dinner then." She hummed and walked to get her shoes.

"I'm afraid you don't understand me, Miss Adams. I will be working from home for the time being until further times change, meaning I'll be here to take care of my children. You'll still receive your check in full this month."

Even the sound of my own words made me wanted to punch myself in the face, but if this was what I had to do to get her to talk to me, so be it.

"So you're saying I'm not needed here?" Payton asked, her voice slightly shaky.

"Precisely. Just think of it as a part-time position instead of caring for the kids 24/7." I smile in her direction, only to find a sad look on her face.

"Understood, Mr Johnson. I'll just go grab my things and be out of your hair."

Wait, hold up. This wasn't part of the plan.

"Payton, I didn't mean you- No I understand, perfectly clear." Payton snapped before walking upstairs.

"Payton you can still live here! You misunderstood!"

Now I regret everything about my stupid plan.

How do I manage to always make things worse?

The kids just sat in silence, staring between the direction Payton disapeared and I.

"Daddy, where Payton goes?" Skylar asked in a confused tone.

"Don't worry about it baby, let's get you two in the car." I pulled on their coats and shoes and leave without another word, driving them to school.

I wish them a good day and head back home once they were through the gates and out of sight.

Text From Ryan: Does this mean I get a shot w ur girl?

Chase: Go near her and ur a dead man

Ryan: Man up and get her back then, jacko

Hes right, I had to do something.

I attened to all my work emails through my phone so I was able to go about and do what I had to do to fix this between Payton and I.

First, I went to the local supermarket and grabbed anything and everything I knew for sure Payton liked.

Her love for peanut m&ms was almost concerning.

I filled up the basket with m&ms, fruit loops, hershey's kisses, 4 different bags of her favourite chip snacks and 2 sodas.

I went to the nearby flower stand in the market. Payton wasn't the kind of girl who went for flowers, but I guess it's all about the gestures.

I just hope I don't screw this up even more by doing this. Girl's feelings confused me.

You could do the nicest thing known to man, and women still find a way to be pissed at you.

Seriously, someone should've wrote a manual for this shit.

Once I was sure I had everything, I went to the checkout where a nice older lady stood to take my groceries.

"Trouble in paradise?"

I looked at her confused and nodded.

"Something like that." There was a pause as she picked up the red roses.

"Roses symbolise more of a romance setting. Allow me to get you something better." She hopped off her stool and slowly walked back to the flower stand.

By the time she returned, she had a bunch of bright yellow flowers in hand.

"I think she'd appreciate these more. They are said to symbolise rebirth and new beginnings. This could be a way to bury the hatched between you and your... wife I assume?" They lady questioned, for some reason making me blush.

"Uh no.. I.. um.. Just a friend." I stutter. Although I did not like the sound of that.

"Your total comes to $17.99." I handed her a 20 dollar bill and told her to keep the change before wishing her a good day and left the store.

Payton, please forgive me.

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