One In, One Out

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Narrator's POV


After a peaceful, yet hectic 2 weeks, Payton, Chase, Liam and Skylar had finally settled into their new routine with the latest edition to their little family.

Little Lottie Johnson.

She was perfect, rosé red cheeks, sunlight blonde hair, the cutest little button nose, pure perfection.

"How can someone as perfect as you, come from me?" Payton asked herself, mesmerised by her baby girl's beauty.

"Because I created her. Duh." She was snapped from her thoughts when a smirking Chase sat down comfortably beside her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. Payton rolled her eyes before a smile crossed her lips.

"Nah.. she just has the most beautiful Mother in the world." He mumbled quietly, kissing Payton's temple before reaching towards Lottie, stroking her little cheek with his finger.

If Payton's hormones were erratic during her pregnancy, they were ten times worse after birth, because just from one simple comment like that, was enough to set her into a breakdown of tears.

"Stop being sweet. You make me cry too much." She sniffled, resting her head against Chase's shoulder.

He chuckled, cupping his arm under Payton's which held Lottie as she slept peacefully.

"I gotta keep you sweet somehow." Chase smiled and leaned in to peck Payton's lips, which she quickly diverted.

"No, my breath stinks like ass right now." Payton refused and moved to lay Lottie down in her bassinet.

"Payton, we've been together for nearly 3 years now. Don't you think I haven't smelled your morning breath everyday we wake up together?" Chase laughs, making Payton gasp in embarrassment.

Now Payton was going to be extra cautious of that from now on.

He stood up and drew his hands to her waist, pulling her flush against his chest before planting his lips upon hers before she could refuse.

"I'm kidding baby." He mumbled and cupped her cheeks, pecking her lips three times.

"You're lucky I love you." Payton squinted her eyes at him as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I know." He whispered, kissing her firmly once again as he held her body close to his, running his fingers through her hair.

"I love you more though."

Before she could respond, the sounds out loudly pattering feet got closer and they looked to find Liam and Skylar fighting to get down the stairs first.

"She's my sister, we're the same. I get to see her first!" Skylar groaned, shoving Liam at the last step.

"I'm older than you both! I get to see Lottie first!" Liam poked out his tongue at Skylar and ran to the sofa.

"Mom!" They both exclaimed to Payton, trying to fight for her justice before Chase put on his dad voice.

"Both of you quieten down right this instance. Lottie just got down for a nap. Both of you can see her if you be quiet and behave."

It was very rare for Chase to be strict with the twins but when the occasion came, it was always for a reason.

"Sorry Dad." Both Liam and Skylar replied in unison before Payton gave them a loving smile and ushered them with her arm to come closer.

They both climbed up upon the bed and sat at either side of Payton as she positioned Lottie to lay against her legs so they could see her.

"She's so pretty." Skylar smiled widely, rubbing her index finger so gently over the back of Lottie's small hand.

Payton smiled as she watched the twins interact with their new baby sister, surprised at how well they took to her as they never had to deal with a newborn in the family before now.

More so with Liam, he behaved so calmly and collected which even surprised Chase, as he was so adamant that this child would have been a boy like him, but now he didn't seem to mind.

He stared at her with love in his eyes, his smile widening as Lottie's hand grasped around his finger as tight as she could.

"I think she knows I'm her brother!" He exclaimed in a whisper shout, making both Chase and Payton chuckle.

Chase sat behind Skylar, looking over all three of his children and placed his chin upon Payton's shoulder, not before placing a chaste kiss to her skin.

"I never thought I'd be this happy again. You four are my world." He mumbled softly to Payton's ear before kissing her temple.

As the new family of five were just getting settled to their new found happiness, Chase's phone dinged repeatedly as it had found its new charge, attracting his attention.

Multiple messages flooded his lockscreen. Two from his Father, four from his Mother, six from his best friend Ryan, and one single message from someone who he'd never thought he would hear from again.

The twins' Grandmother... Sarah's Mother.

He sat up slowly, his brows furrowed together in confusion of what all the fuss was about and especially why Sarah's Mother had contacted him after not hearing from her since the birth of the twins.

He didn't know how to feel when he opened her message first.

All he felt was a tightness in his chest, shock settling into his veins as his phone dropped from his hand, crashing onto the carpeted floor, attracting the attention from Payton and the twins.

'We thought you should know that Sarah's body has been found in her home 20 minutes ago.'

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