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Payton's POV


I was currently with the kids in the kitchen. To my word, I wasn't going to abandon them because of a fight between their Father and I.

I had made them peanuty butter and jelly sandwiches, which they munched down almost immediately.

"Payton?" Liam asked with a mouthful of peanut butter.

"Are you and Daddy still fighting?" This is the problem with children, they always pick up on EVERYTHING.

"Just a little disagreement, honey. No need to worry about it." I say with a smile and pour their cups with orange juice.

"Then why won't you talk to Daddy?"

If the innocence little face of his wasn't too cute, I'd scream.

"It's grown up stuff, you wouldn't understand." I mumble and turn towards the sink to clean the dishes.

"Daddy hurt you. Is that why you don't talk?"

I paused in my tracks, mumbling under my breath.

"What the hell do you kids get taught at school nowadays?"

I sigh, and muster my best smile.

"Yes, your dad was a little rude and I am not happy about it, but we are working things out."

It was like I was talking to an adult with an extreme baby face.

"Dad really likes you, Payton." Liam looks up, taking another bite of his sandwich.

"You think so?" I ask, leaning over the counter.

"I know he does, he told me."

And with that, he jugs his juice down like a champ and wipes his mouth with his sleeve, skipping upstairs to his room.

I stood, gobsmacked.

I look over to Skylar who was happily finishing her sandwich with a little wiggle dance.

"What do you think Sky?" I tilt my head, awaiting her response.

"He makes googly eyes at yous all the times!"

What in the hell are googly eyes?

"Like the eyes you stick onto art?" Payton asks, making Skylar giggle and nod her head.

"Do yous like Daddy?" Skylar asks out of nowhere, making me pause to think.

Of course I did. I missed him holding me at night. His warmth. His kisses he would try to sneak while the kids weren't looking. Although we didn't get far in our... can we even call it a relationship?

What ever we did have... It was something I knew I wanted more of.

"Payton to earth!" Skylar shouted as she tried to click her fingers together.

"It's earth to- never mind. It's not important. I'll take you out with Liam later. Not a word about this to your Father." I give her a warning eyebrow-raise and she made a cross with her finger over her heart.

"Scouts honour!" She yelled and ran upstairs, making me laugh.

She has the most unique personality I've ever seen. I loved it.

"Not a word to me about what?" A deep voice spoke from behind me, making me jump and take action.

"A scrubbing brush, really?" Chase asked as I was readying myself to use a scrubbing brush for protection.

"If needs must." I huff and turn my attention back to the remaining dishes.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, rinsing the soap from the sink after I had cleaned the plates.

"I live here?" Chase answered in a "duh" tone, making me roll my eyes.

I decided not to answer him, but the silence wasn't kept for long.

"You never answered Sky's question." He obviously pointed out.

Really? THIS is how he's playing the game?

"There was nothing to say." I try my best to keep my voice from shaking.

The smell of his colonge whiffed past my nostrils, making me melt almost instantly. I felt his presence close to me, but not once did he made contact.

"Are you sure about that, Payton?" His voice was low, his tone making me shiver.

How does he have such an affect on me?! It was frustrating.

"P-positive." Damn you, nerves.

"Really? For anyone in my position could probably see that's a lie." He grew closer, his lips merely grazing my neck as he spoke.

"I'm done with childish games, Payton. I fucked up, and I understand the consequences of my actions. But if you don't give me the chance, I can't fix it."

Curse my stubborness.

As much as I wanted to forgive him when he first apologised, my mind told me no.

"You're not just a Nanny, Payton. You are an amazing, beautiful, smart and driven woman, who my kids and I absolutely admire. You're our Saviour." He spoke in a soft tone, my eyes tearing slightly at his words, althought I was slightly distracted to see how close his lips lay to my skin.

"You're everything I've ever dreamed of having, not just for myself but for Liam and Skylar. You're the true definition of a diamond, one who I never want to let go of." I felt like my heart was about to explode within seconds.

"Forgive me, Sweetheart." He mumbled, letting his lips dance freely along the bone of my shoulder, leading into the crevis of my neck.

"Chase.." I mumble as his arm wrapped around my stomach, pulling me back into his chest.

"Please... I'm really sorry, from the bottom of my heart. I'm not just trying to sweet talk you. Not having you talk to me is seriously making me go fucking insane. Give me a chance to make this right."

I wanted to answer but his grip on my side and his full plump lips taking their marks on my skin was driving me to the brink of insanity.

"I swear, you get one chance. One, you mess up and I'm gone for good." I manage to say in one breath, trying to keep my posture collected.

The newly forming puddle in my panties didn't help much as I tried to shuffle from foot to foot.

Within a split second, I was spun on my feet and a pair of soft, warm, velvety lips claimed my own.

I let out a whimper, standing up onto my tip toes as my arms found thier way around Chase's neck.

It didn't matter because in seconds, I was whisked off my feet and sat onto the counter, his hands guiding my legs around his waist.

"Fuck, I missed this. I missed you." Chase mumbled between kisses, making my heart flutter.

"I missed you too." I admitted, kissing him back with equal passion.

His hands roamed my body, gripping at my sides as much as he could with a sense of urgency, like if he didn't hold on to me, I'd disappear into thin air.

My memory recollected Skylar's words from earlier, creating a smirk on my face as I pulled back.

"Googly eyes, huh?" I tried not to laugh as a blush crept up onto Chase's cheeks, his eyes rolling back in a playful manner.

"She's four. She doesn't know what she's talking about." Chase tried to defend himself but we both knew she was right.

"Whatever you say, lover boy."

"Lover boy? Oh sweetheart, you haven't met him yet."

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