Jackaboy Man X Villain!Reader: Mine

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A/n: gonna be honest, got the idea from a tik Tok, but this is very different than what the tik tok said. Enjoy~!

Jackie curses himself silently as he's thrown across the abandoned warehouse, a dent being left in the wall in his shape. His mind runs at a million miles in hour as he can barley open his eyes, blood running over one, a bruise covering the other. He manages to look at the person in front of him.

"You may live in some movie where the hero always wins, but..." the villain he's fighting, with blue hair in a fluffy Bob, a purple skin tight suit, with some rips from Jackie shooting at her with his powers, trails off. "This is real life, doll." She growls out the last word, before raising a blade to kill Jackie. He closes his eyes.

Is this how I die? What was the last things I said to my everyone? Will they remember me-?

His thoughts are stopped by a familiar scream of rage and the sound of someone hitting the ground, his eyes shoot open.

Over the blue haired villain is someone is a black suit, a black hat covering their head, and he can't see much else other than their fist coming up and down to punch the one with blue hair over and over again.

"Don't you touch him!" They yell, and it's familiar, but with how injured he is, he can't quite place it.

After a minute of continuous punches, the blue haired villain goes limp.

The one who was on top of them moved towards Jackie, removing the blood covered gloves and shoving them in their jacket.

He finally sees their outfit, but not yet their face. They're wearing a black crop top that covers their chest, under a blazer, with black slacks and black thick-heeled boots. On their face is a blue and black mask. He also takes note of a particularly large scar on the front of their torso, from the shoulder to the hip.

"Oh, darling, are you all right?" The familiar voice speaks.

He doesn't respond, wracking his brain for who the hell this is. They picked him up, carrying him to a black limousine. And laying him in the back as they reach for a first aid kit not far from them. Before getting to work, the mask is removed and Jackie tenses up.

It's his arch nemesis, Y/n L/n.

He tries to move away.

"There's no use in that. I'm not going to hurt you." They mumble, wiping away the blood from his face.

"How can I trust you?" He rasps. They look up at him.

"Well I could kidnap you and leave you to my family, or you could let me fix you and take you home. The decision is yours." They respond.

"Family?" He asks.

"Yup. They're the evil bastards behind most of "my Schemes". They're a bunch of hateful bastards."

"Aren't you?"

"Goodness, no!" They giggle, "but it's either I act like them or I die."

"But all the... stuff you've done...."

"I never kept it a secret. I leaked the information to your intelligence agency so someone could stop me. That's why I'm here right now. I need you alive to stop my family." They sigh.

Jackie goes silent as they fix him up.

"You shouldn't have to go the hospital, any other wounds I'm sure your brother can fix."

"You know about-"

"Yup. I'm the one keeping them hidden from my family." She cuts him off.

As Jackie leaves the limo, limping to his house.

"Hey," they call. He turns back to look at them, "make sure to be there to stop my next plans."

He smiles at them, "will do."

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