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A/n: I have a lot of scars(I didn't cause any myself I promise I'm jsut a clumsy and reckless person) and stretch marks, so Enjoy~!

(Mention of violence, scars(obvi), suicide, and stuff similar)

A select group of egos sat around the living room.

Anti, JJ, Chase, Dark, Wilford, Host, and Eric. Why? I haven't a clue. A casual and light conversation flowed through the room, and it was paused when Jackiboy enters, shirt torn (due to whatever battle) and his scars revealed. (Everyone is in casual clothing, casual for them at least.)

"Jesus Jackie. Those are nasty scars." Chase states, imaging the pain he must've gone through to have his body heal so harshly.

"The perks of a hero." Jackie says sarcastically, "it's not like you all are scar free, anyway."

"I feel like that was directed at me." Anti interjects.

"It's for all of you. I'm sure Dark has just as many scars." Jackie shrugs.

"Oh no, Damien has many more." Wilford states.

"Oh do show~" Anti says teasingly. Dark almost rejects, but why the fuck not? Dark unbuttons his white dress shirt, his suit jacket already removed, revealing many scars from stabbing, beatings, gunshot wounds, suicide attempts. (Actor Mark used to be in this vessel, remember?)

Anti raises an eyebrow.

"I didn't cause them." Dark grumbles, "Your turn Wil."

Wilford takes off his shirt, just a t-shirt for this calm Sunday morning, he also has some gunshot wounds, some slashes from a blade of some kind, as well as some unidentifiable causes.

"What happened to you?" Chase asks.

"I wasn't always a reporter. I used to be colonel. Hey! I remembered my ranking. Oh except this stab one. Someone stabbed me when I first remember being Wilford." He smiles. "Well me and Damien aren't gonna be the only ones."

"Mine's pretty obvious." Anti says, pulling the collar of his shirt down further to reveal the scar on his throat.

Chase removed his hat and pulled his hair to one side, there resided a small scar. "Failed Suicide attempt, but other than that I don't have any."

JJ pulls up his sleeves to reveal scars that wrapped around his arm over and over again. Wouldn't recommend being a puppet. Hurts your arms to be yanked around so much. He signs.

"Sorry about that." Anti mumbles.

Host narrates as he moves to take off the bandage from his face, "The Host feels as if he deserves his scars."

Eric feels all eyes on him, and he looks down immediately, before moving to unbutton the first few buttons on his shirt. There's a large gash from the center of his right pectoral going behind his back, as well as much smaller ones that were from landing on glass chips. "I-I may h-have surv-vived the car cr-crash, b-but I-I didn't g-get away sc-sc-scot free." He stutters, not looking up.

"Oh are we showing scars?" Yandereplier asks, entering the room. "I got tased a couple months ago." They chuckle, raising up their shirt to reveal they had indeed been tased on their right hip. It is two little marks where it had been in their skin.

They all continue sharing stories of their scars, laughing at some, cringing at others.

What a fucked up little family they have.

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