Wilford X Dark: Nightmares

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A/n: sometimes I forget Wilford used to be a colonel. Meaning he fought in like wars and shit. Enjoy~!

(Guns, nightmares, war)

William runs behind a tree as the sounds of bullets ring all around him. They can't possible win this one can they?

"Wil!" A familiar voice rings.

"Damien? What are you doing here?"

"I was supposed to come visit you, but it seems your in a pickle." The raven haired man smiles.

"You need to leave! You could get hurt or worse!" Wil shouts over the gun shots.

"Oh, Wil. It's already much worse." Damien replies, all the sudden his head turns to the right and his eyes go from a beautiful brown to a broken sapphire. His suit turns red, the Mayor pin he has is gone, his cane is now being help in his hand like one would a baseball bat.

Will's eyes widen as the other man speaks again, "You do remember, don't you?" His voice was playful, almost sing song-y.

"No... I-I didn't... I-I couldn't have... it was all a j-..." Will mumbles.

"Oh but you did...." Dam- it's not Damien. Not anymore. Mark replies.

"No... Dark- h-he can-"

"Dark," Mark says, malice in his voice, "Is not who you think he is. And he will betray you, just as soon as he regains power."

Dark appears beside Mark.

"D-Dark, p-please-" Wil was about to keep speaking, until black liquid started oozing from his eyes mouth and nose. "Dark." Wil mumbles, Dark collapses to his knees, "Dark. D-"


Dark wakes up to the sound of his husband talking his name. Dark places his hand on Wil's face, who's hand is in the air as he wakes up, tears streaming down his face.

"It was only a dream, Darling." Dark whispers soothingly in Wil's ear.

Wilford is quiet for a second, before grabbing Dark's hand- the one caressing his face, and turn's to cry into Dark's chest. Dark's heart breaks as he hears the broken sobs of the pink mustached man. He can do nothing but hold him in his arms and whisper sweet nothings and assurances.

"Please...." Wilford whispers, his voice breaking.

"Please what, my Darling?" Dark mumbles.

"Please promise you'll never leave me." Wilford sobs.

"I've already made that promise, and I'll make it a million more times." Dark mumbles, lifting his left hand to reveal a black ring on his finger. "And it'll never be broken as long as I have a say in it."

"Thank you." Wilford sniffs.

"I love you, Wil." Dark assures, making Wilford look him in the eyes. His eyes are differently colored, one was brown with a very red hue and and the other black with a blue hue.

"I love you too, Dark."

After a long and peaceful moment of silence, Dark speaks, "I'm going to get up and make you something to drink, after I get back, you can decide if you want to talk about this."

They end up staying up far too late, talking about everything and nothing to distract Wilford from his nightmare.

"Shit, it's five and we have a meeting in two hours." Wilford sighs.

"We should sleep until six and then get up to get ready." Dark replies.

"Yeah." Wilford mumbles. Dark has his head on Wilford's chest, and their arms and legs are tangled or around each other.

They both drifted off to sleep in each other's embrace.

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