Egos I Want To Replace My Father

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Title says it all.

Number 1:

I think this is pretty self explanatory

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I think this is pretty self explanatory. He may be an alcoholic, but at least he wouldn't verbally and mentally abuse me. He is a good dad, just cant get the husband thing down and I'm okay with that. I don't need a husband I need a dad. Would NEVER call me a pussy for telling my mom I thought he was drunk driving.

Number 2:

I just trust him, ya know? Great listener, looks like he's had a life experience worth listening to

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I just trust him, ya know? Great listener, looks like he's had a life experience worth listening to. Has some major dad energy. Would teach me how to dance. Would never body shame me.

Number 3:

Did you see how ready he was to be a dad in ahwm? He was so ready to raise me

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Did you see how ready he was to be a dad in ahwm? He was so ready to raise me. Would trust him with my life, he could buy anything. Also he's a pirate, he could steal me anything. Looks like he gives great advice. Could probably braid my hair. Would never invalidate my self esteem issues

Number 4:

He knows exactly what not to do, given his parents messed up so bad he killed them

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He knows exactly what not to do, given his parents messed up so bad he killed them. Would listen to musicals with me and take interest in stuff I like. Would introduce me to his prison buddies, and they would most definitely be my family too, so none of the conservative Bastards that I have now

Number 5:

10/10 great man

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10/10 great man. Grew up with Celine, so he probably knows how to deal with all my female problems like periods and cramps. Most definitely supports lgbt+ rights so if I came out to him?? He'd still love me. Would be Confused by me being a punk, but would support me nonetheless. William and Mark as uncles? Sounds like fun birthday parties. Would hold me when I'm crying instead of telling me to just stop.


Kept the grounds for fifteen years

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Kept the grounds for fifteen years. Knows what the fuck is up. Would probably let me use the pool at the manor. Sassy, would make me laugh. Not transphobic and wouldn't care if my enby friend came to visit.

I think that is all.

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