Dark X Child!Reader: Alcohol

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A/n: I saw a comic about this on twitter and I thought it was fucking hilarious. Enjoy~!

The tall man stood in front of you, ranting about something you didn't get. obviously not taking in you being only sixteen. You had agreed to help Mark on this heist, because you have to pay for college, but you didn't think you two would split up, and you'd end up face to face with an almost friendly face. A familiar one to say the least.

"Join me for a drink, won't you? We have much to discuss." He smirks.

"I'm sixteen, man. Also I don't like how it takes."

"I don't give a damn about the law," he glitches from his red aura to his blue and then fades to both of them being neutral, "but I respect your wishes."

"When did you get a new suit?" You ask, sitting at the table, he sits across, taking an awkward sip of his wine.

He was supposed to approach you from a seductive angle to manipulate you. But now it's kind of gross.

"Wil made me. He said it'd be a nice change." Dark mumbles in reply, "so if you're a child, why are you on a heist with Mark?"

"I'm poor. I need money for college. Mark said I could pay off my education with how much money I'll make off of it." You mumble.

"He's making you steal to pay for college?" Dark asks, exasperated. He knew Mark was an asshole, but he never thought he'd make a child steal. "How about I make you a deal?"

"Well, I've already stole this thing, but sure, I'll hear you out." You mumble.

"You come help me and my... companions... take over Mark's channel, and I'll pay for your entire education, and housing, and give you an allowance every month for food and extra stuff. Sound like a deal?" Dark says.

"Are you kidding?! I could help you take over Mark's channel in a month if you could really pay me that much!" You say, extending your hand, Dark shakes your hand.

Now here's the thing. Dark could've easily had you help take over Mark's channel, and then without any other thought never paid you a dime. But you are just a child, and Dark is a professional. He has standards.

"I'll talk to you tomorrow. Now, go return this." Dark slides the box in your direction, and you follow his instructions.

A/n: I might make another chapter of reader in the meeting trying to help them. Enjoy~!

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