Jameson Jackson X Female!Reader: Back In My Arms.

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A/n: I read a story like this but it had a sad ending and I want a happy one so I'm writing it different so it's happy!!! Enjoy~!

"Shut up James!" A h/c haired woman laughed.

"But I'm mute?" He signed, making her laugh more, it was the most beautiful sound he'd heard.

Henrik was usually an angry man. So much work was annoying, but this morning he was okay. He's afraid his mute brother is not though.

Jamie always had a smile in his attitude whether on his face or in his behavior, but this morning, he was frowning. Not his resting face, an actual frown. That hadn't happened since Chase tore his favorite tie.

"Jamie? Vhats vrong?" He asks.

Jamie didn't respond, but exhales out of his nose, and shrugged, sitting down after fixing his coffee.

"It's something, Jamie." Henrik responds.

Jamie ignored him this time, which is absolutely out of character.

Chase enters with a slight smile, as tonight he'd be driving to pick up his children.

"Hey bros!" Chase smiles brightly, grabbing the pot of coffee and cup set out for him.

"Hello Chase." Henrik replies, still focused on his usually cartoonish brother's mood.

"What's up with Jamie?" Chase whispers.

"I don't know." Henrik answers.

"Hey Bro? What's wrong?" Chase asks. Jamie, again, shrugs.

"Let's go get Jack, he'll know what to do." Henrik decides.

After fetching Jack, and asking him, he smiles sadly.

"You do realize that Jamie had a life before being brought to the modern world right?" Jack asks. Henrik hasn't thought of that, and evident by his face, Chase hadn't either.

"Is today a sad day for him then?" Henrik inquiries.

"Shouldn't be. I mean, now it is. But when he came from? It was the happiest he'd ever been. It's his anniversary with a lass named Y/n." Jack informs.

"Couldn't Marvin bring her back?" Chase asks hopefully.

"He has his limitations." Jack sighs. "Trust me I tried everything to get her back. It's just not possible.

*Jamie's POV*

Maybe she's here, and I just can't find her. I mean, she was in the room during the experiment. Maybe she didn't get hurt, and she's happy now.

I hope so...

*3rd POV*

Henrik is sat on the couch, wondering what he could do to help his brother. He could go to Anti... but would Anti help? Dark might help, but his magic acts weird...

The doorbell rings, and Henrik goes to open it, nobody expecting anybody. He opens the door, and a woman in a beautiful dress, it was sparkly, and f/c. She has flow-y h/c hair, and a confused look on her face.

"Um, I'm sorry darlin', does Jameson Jackson live here?" She asks, biting her lip.

"Uh, yeah gimme a second." Chase shouts for his brother, who approaches slowly. The woman gasps, and runs past Chase, wrapping her arms around his neck. Jamie was surprised until he smelled the familiar scent of his lover. He lifts her, twirling round and round with tears in his eyes, releasing constant sounds that's like a laugh, and the woman is hysterical.

"Oh, James! I thought- that Doc- and that Steve- wh-Why- in America- pink haired man- and you-!" She's gasping wildly, a giant smile on her face, but Jamie just cups her cheeks, and she melts into his touch. After a few years of him not being with her, she craved his touch.

She pulls him closer, into a kiss, and he moves his hands to her hips, as hers move to his face. Once they pull away, he stares at her in disbelief. She pulls him closer and shoves her head in the crook of his neck.

"I just can't believe I found you again." She sniffles. They're both just standing there, hugging.

Every had come down to see why there was a feminine voice shouting.

Most of them were confused, who was this woman? Why was she hugging Jamie?

Jamie pulled away and started signing rapidly.

"What happened after the explosion? Do you know where Judith ended up? And Doc? And-?" He stops signing when he hears a cough from beside him.

"Hey JJ? Wanna introduce us to the lady?" Marvin asks with a smirk.

"Ah! How impolite! Morning gentlemen, my name is Y/n!" She smiles politely, holding out her hand.

"I'm Marvin," He says, taking her hand and bowing down to kiss her hand, "Marvin the Magnificent."

Before anybody can respond, Chase speaks up.

"I'm Chase Brody!" He smiles, and it goes on.

"I'm Henrik Schneeplestien."



"JackiBoy Man."

"And I'm Sean McLoughlin, but most people call me Jack." Jack ends.

"It's lovely to meet you all. I didn't know you had brothers, James." She turns to Jamie with a smile.

"I didn't either. I just... found them." He shrugs.

They talk back and forth. Mainly Y/n, she was so animated and happy, much like Jameson. It was very cute to observe them.

She explained what happened, a man named Wilford who helped her when she first get shot into the future. She said he had a gun, and a pink mustache and he had many brothers too.

They talked for hours and hours and hours. Until three the next morning. She fell asleep about three thirty, and Jamie couldn't believe this. He didn't want to fall asleep, in fear this was a dream.

She was here again.

Back in his arms.

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